Did you know that 75% of searchers don’t click past the first page of results? This makes it extremely important for your website to rank well on search engine results pages (SERPs)! You can do this through good search engine optimization (SEO), which uses strategic keywords to make Google’s algorithms happy.

But that’s just half the battle. Users see the meta description on SERPs, which tells them what your site’s about. If yours isn’t clear or interesting enough, then they won’t want to click.

You’re probably now wondering about how to write a good meta description. Read on to find out how to make your site irresistible to readers!

Use the Right Number of Characters

Unfortunately, you won’t have unlimited space to write your meta description. You’ll want to keep it between 120 to 160 characters; otherwise, it might be cut off in SERPs.

Use Active Voice

Writing’s always better when you use active voice, as it’s more interesting and engaging. Passive voice can lose the interest of readers quickly, especially if other websites on the SERPs have snappy and eye-catching meta descriptions.

Be Clear About What You Offer

In an attempt to make your meta description interesting, you might throw in some curveballs and mystery. But this can backfire; if readers don’t understand what you’re offering, then they won’t want to click through.

Be transparent about what your site’s about and what your business can help with.

Choose Good Keywords

To practice good SEO, you need to choose good keywords. Not only should these be used in your website copy, but also in your meta title and description.

There are free keyword research tools you can find online, which can give you a great start. But to get the best results, it’s best if you work with a professional SEO company. Find out more about one here.

Use a Call-to-Action

Compelling copy always has call-to-actions (CTAs). This is because in addition to educating users about your site, you want to encourage them to do something. In this case, you want them to check out your website.

Some good CTAs include “learn more”, “find out”, “get it now”, and “try for free”.

Keep Your Meta Descriptions Unique

You’ll need to create a meta description for each page, so you might think of copying and pasting to cut down on work. But this will harm your site ranking since they’re identical.

The best thing to do is to create unique meta descriptions for every page. If you don’t have the time to do so, just leave them blank, as Google will just choose a snippet with your keyword to use as the meta description.

Know How to Write a Good Meta Description

Now that you know how to write a good meta description, you’ll be able to be clear and concise in your text. As a result, not only will this push your website higher on SERPs, but you’ll also entice people to click through to your site.

If you want to learn more about SEO basics, then keep reading our blog now!


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