A diamond is simply a piece of coal that works well under pressure. But under which pressure, and under what conditions is the center of the debate. That has shaken up the sparkling world of jewelry.

In the last five years, technology has developed rapidly that’ the industry has seen an explosion in the development of lab-grown diamonds that are chemically and aesthetically identical to those in the ground but can still make in a matter of months.

And as a younger, more ethically conscious generation comes of age to buy diamonds, many argue that laboratories are the best way to supply the world with their favorite lab grown diamond rings.

DeBeers may have launched the “Diamond is Forever” slogan for their now-famous marketing campaign since 1948, but shiny stones are still the gems of modern couples.

According to the 2019 Jewelry and Engagement Survey, The Knot, surveyed more than 21,000 people who were engaged or recently married, 83 percent of engagement rings contain a diamond center stone.

Due to their rare nature, they’re expensive; (depending on the quality, the average 1-carat diamond can cost anywhere from $ 2,000 to $ 25,000), choosing one of these beautiful gemstones can be a hindrance’ for couples on a budget.

Since their introduction into the jewelry industry, laboratory-grown diamonds have disrupted both jewelers ‘and consumers’ approaches to diamonds and diamond engagement rings.

Synthetic methods for making once-rare gems have made finding and buying diamonds more affordable for cost-seeking consumers, who are looking for a cheaper (and perhaps more ethical) alternative to mined diamonds.

What are lab-grown diamonds?

What are lab grown diamond rings made of, and how are they made preciously? The simple answer is that thanks to advanced technology, scientists can mimic the conditions just beneath the Earth’s crust in which diamonds form to create rocks that are nearly identical (more on this later) to those you find in nature.

There are two ways to make diamonds in the laboratory: The first is the high temperature, high pressure, or HTHP method, in which large presses weigh hundreds of tons to produce very high pressure at very high temperatures (see: pot) Steroids under pressure ), which converts a diamond seed or minute piece of real diamond into a laboratory-developed diamond.

A second way to make laboratory-grown diamonds is to use chemical vapor deposition, or CVD, in which diamond is grown from a mixture of hydrocarbon gases. A big plus for both methods: Although natural diamonds can form in about 3.3 billion years and then have to be extracted deep into the soil, however, a lab-grown diamond can be in just two weeks. Once created, jewelers cut and polish lab-grown diamonds like natural diamonds.

Natural V.S Lab-Grown Diamonds

Although they are human-made stones, lab-grown diamonds’ sometimes also referred to as “synthetic diamonds are real diamonds.

Although made by scientists and not mined from the ground, diamonds grown in a laboratory are physically, chemically, and optically identical to diamonds.

Both laboratory-made diamond rings and natural diamond rings are made of pure crystallized carbon, have the same ability to scatter light of different colors, are very durable, and have the same shape and size.

The only chemical difference between laboratory-grown diamonds and natural diamonds is that most natural diamonds contain a small amount of nitrogen and laboratory-grown diamonds do not. Gemologists can test for the presence of nitrogen, which can usually show whether a stone is natural or lab-grown.

Another option, larger laboratories have access to expensive machines specifically designed; to distinguish between diamonds developed in a laboratory and diamonds obtained from nature by testing the fluorescence of stones.

Another big difference between diamonds grown in the laboratory and mined is the cost. Although; the exact price of a diamond developed in a lab will depend on the quality and size of the stone you choose, it is usually cheaper than the mined diamond. Because diamonds grown in a laboratory have a lower resale value and require less time and labor, lab-grown diamonds can cost 10 to 40 percent less than diamonds.

Now, you all know about lab-grown diamonds and their pros and cons so, you can always buy a lab-grown diamond ring from a reputable site like alexandersparks.com or a trusted jeweler in your area.

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