You all must have heard a phrase that says, God cannot reside everywhere, so he created mother. And that is true, in the sense, that mother is the one who introduces us to see the world. She faces the pain in carrying her newborn in the womb, they are born. After that, she hardly even realizes the pain that she has been through. Women who are housewives have many possibilities to look after family and kids other than household chores. But the most challenging life is for working women, in cities. 

Show Details 

TV Series: Workin’Moms
Genre: Comedy-Drama
Written By: Diane Flacks, Ingrid Haas, Karen Moore and Rebecca Kohler
Created And Directed By: Catherine Reitman
Place Of Origin: Canada
Main Cast: Catherin Reitman, Dani Kind, Juno Rinaldi and Jessalyn Wanlim
Original language: English
Seasons: 4
Episodes: 47

Workin' moms season 4 review


Workin’ Moms is a popular sitcom comedy drama dedicated to working women from all over the country. This popular sitcom made its beginning in 2017 on Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Television. The sitcom comedy show is produced under the production company of Catherine Reitman. She is also the creator and one of the main lead actors in the show. But the production is not singly produced by her only. She is accompanied by Philip Sternberg, her husband. 

In the previous year (2019), the show was aired worldwide on a popular media service provider and popular technology company in India, Netflix. In the same year, there came the 4th season of Workin’ Moms, premiered in the current year (2020). Since April, this sitcom show series has been resumed for its new upcoming season (5th). 

Story Plot

Three years back on 10th January, there came a very popular sitcom show in Canada based on the life of working women. It was Workin’ Moms. The story plot of this popular dramatic comedy sitcom show revolves around friends who share their tough experiences in being working mothers. Let us know more about this sitcom show, regarding its story from previous seasons, and new upcoming ones.

With the very name of the sitcom show, Workin’ Moms, it is easier to understand what will be the show focusing upon. Yes, it is definitely upon working mothers. So the story goes around the character of Kate Foster, played by Catherine, the creator- director, and producer. She is joined in the series with her real-life hubby. He is essaying the role of her husband in real as well as reel. The best thing about this sitcom drama-comedy series is that every woman who is tied to their working commitments and challenges they face in life can relate to this show. Also, it would make you laugh with funny scenes in the show. The script of the show is not confined only to the mothers. 

What’s Great About the Show?

The best thing which you will like about this sitcom comedy show is not playing off rigid or moral motherhood characteristics. In this show, actors playing maternal roles are shown with flawed characters who end up making wrong decisions. In that way, the show compresses the working mothers’ expectations of society. No doubt, the show fares well in making its viewers laugh. 

All the characters who are playing their part in the show are depicted experiencing motherhood in their different ways. Just take an example of one of the central characters of the show, Kate. She is shown as a businesswoman having big goals but is struggling between her professional commitments and motherhood. Then there is another character, Anne. She is shown working very hard in parenting a rigid teenager. The show also displays homosexual characteristics on one of the characters in the sitcom show, suffering from mental problems. Then comes Jenny, a divorcee, but is enjoying her parental role.

Recap Of Workin’ Moms Season 4

If you have missed season 4 of this wonderful comedy-drama sitcom show, then let us rewind the story starting from Kate’s role. In the 4th season, Kate once again gets officially united with Nathan. All her friends come to know about it. But among her friends, there is one who disagrees with her taken stand. She is Anne. 

As mentioned above, Kate is the owner of her firm, called Kate Foster PR. She often had constant issues over clients with Mike. Apres is known to be one of her prominent clients. It is a company that deals with weed beer. Alice is caught for organizing a party for her friends in the office of Kate after gulping down the weed beers of Arpes. When Kate comes to know about all this, she fires Mike, who according to her, is the person behind giving the beer cans to the girls. 

The financial condition paves the parents of Nathan to live in an apartment which is not too big, but they can afford to pay for its rent. If there is anyone who is the sole earner, then she is Kate herself. She even accepts the high salary of her ex-boss and hires him. When Nathan comes to know about her decision, he gets annoyed with her, as it would prove risky for the financial conditions of their family.

And there comes a problem for Apres when a child gulps down the drink. After that, a journalist is being called by Kate to rebuild the image of the Arnes factory. Charlie accompanies her while going to the factory with her. But there came a situation when Charlie lost his way. However, he is found later on the snack counter by Kate, timely. 

Review Of Workin’ Moms Season 4

When it comes to reviewing Workin’ Moms 4th reason, then it proves successful in tickling viewers with hilarious scenes. There are some scenes in this sitcom comedy-drama, where people burst out laughing. But there are mixed responses from other viewers, who don’t find the quality of the show matching with the previous seasons. And up to some extent, it is right. 

Not Flawless But Still

Even though Workin’ Moms did manage to engage viewers with hilarious comedy, still, it lacked in punches in comparison to its previous seasons. It inclined more on humor than the emotional side. There were not enough dramatic moments as well. Compared to the fourth season, the initial seasons had all the perfect combo of it.

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