Buying cryptocurrency might seem pretty tricky for a beginner. Even if you are an experienced trader, you will have to spend time researching to find out what exchanges are the best, and which one is the most suitable to convert BNB to Matic. So, why waste time if you can swap your coins on LetsExchange, one of the most reliable platforms online?
Benefits of Swapping Crypto on LetsExchange
The platform caters for both newbies and experienced traders. You can find there all the needed functionality. At the same time, the platform is absolutely easy to use. So, let us have a look at the options LetsExchange can offer you.
Complete safety – LetsExchange doesn`t require to provide any confidential information. The less data you provide online the less risks exist that the data can be stolen and misused.
The best rates – when you provide the needed information for your swap such as a coin to sell and the sum, the coin to buy, our SmartRate technology starts checking exchange rate on the major exchanges. It picks up the best deal and completes the swap.
Fast transactions – the platform processes all the swaps asap. A transaction takes only the time needed to register it in the network.
Attentive customer support – you can count on efficient help provided by professional customer support.
Non-custodial services – the platform doesn`t keep your funds nor does it store your private keys. All the coins are yours and you are the only one who manages them.
Ease of use – you move to the all-in-one widget and follow step-by-step instructions to swap the coins.
Transparency – the entire process is absolutely transparent. You can even download a receipt with all the transaction details when the transaction is completed.
More than 280 coins are supported – it means that you can exchange almost any coin, token, or altcoin on LetsExchange.
Exchange Process
The entire exchange process takes a couple of minutes (the time needed for a swap might differ depending on the time needed to register the transaction in the blockchain). To swap the coins, move to the all-in-one widget, and perform the following steps:
- In the upper dropdown, provide a coin to sell.
- Indicate the sum;
- In the lower dropdown, provide a coin to buy;
- Make a deposit and provide the wallet address to receive the coins.
The SmartRate technology will check the available options, pick the best one, and complete the swap. That`s it, the coins are transferred to your wallet, and you can download the receipt.
Any Drawbacks?
LetsExchange doesn`t have a wallet. So, you have to get one before you swap any coins on the platform. Without a receiving wallet address, no swap can be completed.
No more drawbacks are detected. Well, some people don`t like the website colours but we find them fun. And the service in general is very user-friendly and efficient.
Bottom Line
While it might be difficult to find the best option among the available variety. We believe that we have facilitated the task for you with this short review.