Did you know that 57% of businesses have acquired customers through their company blog? If you haven’t filled up your company website’s blog pages, then the time to start is yesterday!

But for users to find your blog, you need to have a website that draws people in. Only then will consumers click on your blog.

The main way to attract readers is to have fantastic web copy. Without intriguing text, your site can be boring and cause people to click off after just a few seconds.

So how can you create snazzy web copy that’ll keep users captivated? Read on to find out!

Avoid Passive Voice

Passive voice is exactly that: passive. It becomes boring and readers quickly become disengaged.

Instead, focus on active voice. For example, instead of “The plushies were made by us in record time”, try “We made the plushies in record time”. See how it instantly perks up your voice?

Use Action Words

There’s a reason why commercials on the radio and TV are so compelling; they use plenty of action words. “Act now”, “call us today”, and “reach out” are all examples of calls to action that are effective.

A good rule of thumb is to start each header with verbs. That way, it’s clear you’re directing the reader to take an action.

Use Short Paragraphs and Bullet Points

No one wants to read a wall of text, even if it’s full of interesting information. Most people will only spend a few minutes (max) trying to get vital details, so they’ll give up immediately if they’re confronted with a 500-word “paragraph”.

Break up your text so they’re 2-3 sentences max. You’ll also want to put important information in bullet points if possible. That way, your website copy is skimmable.

Practice Good SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a must for online content. Without it, your site won’t rank very high, and as a result, no one will know about you!

Use good keywords and sprinkle them in your text. And don’t forget about using them in your article title and SEO description either!

Knowing how to write a meta description is essential, so one of our website copy tips is to nail it. This is what describes your site when it appears in search engine results, so it needs to be compelling.

Meta descriptions are a maximum of 150 to 160 characters, so you need to be succinct and punchy.

Create Web Copy You Can Be Proud Of

Web copy can be difficult to grasp, especially if you’re not a natural wordsmith. But with our tips and a little bit of practice, you’ll be copywriting like a pro in no time!

And if you find it’s not your thing, that’s always ok. There are plenty of copywriting services available that’ll ensure your business site brings in traffic!

If you’d like more copywriting tips, then check out the rest of our blog now!


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