When it comes to growing your business and building your brand, it’s essential to have a strong social media presence. There are a number of platforms that you could focus on, but given Instagram has roughly 1 billion users a month, it’s essential to use this platform.

A strong Instagram strategy requires more than just creating an account and posting some photos though, you also need a high level of engagement. Your engagement is measured by the number of comments, likes, follows, shares, DMs, saves, tags, and other actions that people take with your content.

The higher you measure in these metrics, the more valuable your content appears in the eyes of the Instagram algorithm. The more valuable the content, the more it will be pushed to users who may be interested in your content – thus, growing your brand and your business. So, to help you grow your business, here are our top tips to boost your Instagram account.

10 Ways to Increase Engagement on Instagram

1) Engage With Your Audience

Engagement is like a conversation – it only works if everyone is talking. If you aren’t willing to engage with your audience, how can you expect them to do the same for you? So, as you spend time on the platform, be sure to engage with your audience.

Comment on their photos, like their posts, and if they share content that features your brand, share it through your account. Another tip is to use things like polls in your stories to encourage users to engage with your account.

2) Create and Share Memes

Memes are popular, easy to make, and relatable. Despite being around for a few years, they are more relevant than ever before. It’s important to ensure that the memes you share are relevant to your brand, so this is why creating your own can be so beneficial.

Create and Share Memes

If you create funny and relatable memes, your audience is more likely to share them with others, and therefore, increase your engagement.

3) Include Call to Actions in Your Captions

A call to action is essential for any marketing or sales activity – including Instagram content. This is typically in the form of a direct question or action that needs to be taken. The key here is to be genuine – people want to engage with something real, rather than someone trying to sell something.

For example, if you make a post about your favourite meal, you could ask your audience what their favourite meal is and to let you know in the comments.  Another example is if you’re promoting a piece of content like a blog post, you could do something like “click the link in our bio for more”.

The goal is to encourage your audience to take action that will increase their engagement with your content. This will only be effective if these calls to action are genuine, and offer value to your followers.

4) Share Carousel Posts

On average, carousel posts are the most engaging pieces of content on the platform. This is because you can share up to 10 photos, videos, and pieces of text, in one post. For you, it allows you to offer more valuable content to your followers.

From the algorithm’s perspective, if someone doesn’t engage with your piece initially, Instagram will present the post again with another image from the carousel. Furthermore, having more pieces of content in a single post means users will spend more time viewing it rather than stopping for a few seconds on a single photo.

5) Host a Give-Away

Giveaways are an excellent tool for increasing engagement – after all, who doesn’t love a freebie? Select a prize that will be of value to your audience, and spread the word. Be sure to clearly announce the prize, have visible terms and conditions and outline the entry requirements.

For example, your followers may need to like your post, follow your account, share the contest, and tag someone relevant. This will increase the engagement of your account across multiple metrics, and give you the chance to give even more value to your audience.

6) Collaborate on Insta Reels

Collaborations aren’t just effective in the music industry, but on social media too. What this means is that you co-create content with another account, so the post will show up on all of the creator’s profiles. This is most effective with Instagram Reels.

Collaborate on Insta Reels

This way you can leverage not only your audience but the audience of your co-creators too. This is a very effective tool for boosting your engagement. Make sure whoever you collaborate with is relevant to your audience.

7) Post When Your Audience is Most Engaged

One of the simplest tricks is to post at the right time. The time you post will have an effect on the level of engagement you get. For example, if post at 3am and your audience is in the same time zone, they’ll likely be asleep and will miss your post.

So, take some time to understand their behaviour and try to post when the majority of them are most active.

8) Use Relevant Hashtags

Hashtags are normally regarded as a reach tactic, however, reach leads to an increased level of engagement. Typically, you should aim to use around 30 relevant hashtags to get the best levels of engagement.

Look at your competitors, the hashtags they use, and use this as a starting point. Then, have a balance of more popular and niche hashtags to reach as many people as possible.

9) Buy Instagram Engagements

Of all the methods you can use to increase your engagement, the most effective and efficient method is to buy Instagram followers from Media Mister.

Buy Instagram Engagements

Through Media Mister, you can buy genuine engagement in the form of likes, shares, comments, views to increase your engagement and boost the performance of your Instagram account.

Media Mister has delivered millions of Instagram followers, views, likes, and has satisfied 10,000 customers in the process. Through our services, you’ll have access to our network of real users from different countries all over the world.

10) Post More Stories

Stories are one of the most effective tools for engagement, given their reach. Roughly half a billion people use stories every day, and they are only becoming more popular. You can do more than simply posting photos and videos though.

You can do live stories, post questions to spark conversation with your followers, or use the poll feature to boost engagement. Another trick is to share the stories of your audience if they mention your brand or products.

Final Thoughts

There you have it! Our top 10 tips to increase your engagement on Instagram, and grow your business through your Instagram account. If you have more questions or need further support, contact us at Media Mister and we will be happy to help!

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