Excerpt: Keep your feet healthy this summer with hydration, sun protection, and essential care. Enjoy your vacation worry-free!


Summer is, undoubtedly, the favorite season for those who love physical activity and outdoor sports. From marathons to beach or mountain excursions, this time of year offers countless opportunities to stay active and enjoy nature.

However, these exciting days under the sun can affect a valuable part of our body: our feet.

Being the foundation of all your adventures, your feet deserve special care during these months. The combination of heat, humidity, and uneven terrain can cause problems like dryness, cracks, and calluses.

To keep your feet in optimal condition and ensure nothing slows you down this summer, it is recommended to use products such as those from Avanza skin, skincare specially formulated for athletes and highly active individuals.

Here are the essential products and recommendations for their care:

1.   Proper drying: keep moisture at bay

After a day at the beach or pool, it’s essential to dry your feet thoroughly. Moisture trapped between your toes can create an ideal environment for the growth of fungi and bacteria, leading to issues like athlete’s foot.

Use a soft towel and dry every part of your feet, paying special attention to the spaces between your toes. Properly drying your feet also helps prevent the formation of blisters and chafing, which can be uncomfortable and painful.

For added protection, consider using an antifungal powder after drying your feet. This will help keep them dry and free from infections, creating an additional barrier against harmful microorganisms.

Another good practice is to alternate between different pairs of shoes, allowing each pair to air out and dry completely between uses. Keeping your feet dry and clean is one of the best ways to prevent problems and ensure your feet stay healthy and happy all summer long.

Proper drying: keep moisture at bay

2.   Sun protection: not just for your face

The summer sun can be relentless, and while we usually protect our face and body, we often forget about our feet.

This part of the body, like any other, is exposed to UV rays and can suffer significant damage if not given proper attention. The skin on your feet is just as susceptible to sun damage, so it’s necessary to apply sunscreen before heading out.

Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen and apply it generously, especially if you plan to be outdoors for extended periods.

Reapply sunscreen every two hours and after swimming or sweating. This prevents sunburn and also protects against premature aging and the risk of skin cancer.

Additionally, prolonged sun exposure without proper protection can cause dark spots and rough texture on the skin of your feet. Remember, well-cared-for feet start with good protection. Don’t underestimate the importance of protecting every inch of your skin to enjoy a worry-free summer.

Sun protection: not just for your face

3.   Daily hydration: an essential step for healthy feet

Daily hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy feet, as this habit helps prevent extreme dryness and cracks that can cause discomfort and infections.

Feet are exposed to various conditions that dehydrate them, such as wearing closed shoes for long hours, constant friction, and dry environments.

To combat these issues, a urea cream for feet is essential. Developed by dermatologists, this cream contains 20% urea, shea butter, and a blend of natural oils that deeply hydrate the skin, restore the skin barrier, and provide immediate relief.

Key benefits:

  • Deep hydration

Locks in moisture and softens rough areas.

  • Quick repair

Ideal for cracked heels and scaly skin.

  • Long-lasting comfort

Provides a refreshing and immediate sense of relief.

Incorporating a good moisturizing cream into your daily foot care routine ensures that your feet stay hydrated and healthy, ready for any summer adventure.

Daily hydration: an essential step for healthy feet

4.   Nail care: more than just aesthetics

Toenails also need special attention during the summer. Keeping them well-trimmed and clean helps prevent infections and other issues. Avoid cutting nails too short to reduce the risk of ingrown toenails, and use a nail file to smooth out sharp edges.

For pedicure enthusiasts, it’s important to remember that nail polish can weaken nails if used too frequently. Allow your nails to breathe between applications, and consider using a nail strengthener to keep them strong and healthy.

Well-cared-for nails not only look good but also contribute to the overall well-being of your feet.

Nail care: more than just aesthetics

5.   Choosing the right footwear: comfort and protection

The type of footwear you choose during the summer can have a significant impact on the health of your feet. It’s important to select shoes that offer good support and allow for proper ventilation.

Sandals with cushioned soles and adjustable straps are an excellent option to avoid blisters and provide comfort during hot days.

For long and strenuous walks, opt for sneakers or closed shoes that provide good support. This type of footwear helps protect your feet from impact and provides stability on uneven terrain, preventing common injuries such as sprains or twists. Additionally, make sure the sneakers have good ventilation to keep your feet cool and dry.

Avoid prolonged use of footwear that doesn’t offer sufficient support, such as flat flip-flops, as they can cause foot pain and postural problems.

Alternate between different types of shoes to avoid overloading specific areas of your feet and to keep them fresh and rested. Good footwear should protect your feet from injuries, contribute to correct posture, and improve your overall body health.

Choosing the right footwear: comfort and protection

6.   Relaxing massages: relief for tired feet

After an active day, your feet can feel fatigued and sore. Spending a few minutes on a relaxing massage can make a big difference in how they feel.

Use a moisturizing cream or oil and perform circular movements and gentle pressure on the soles of your feet and toes. This habit helps relax the muscles, improve blood circulation, and relieve accumulated tension.

For a deeper massage, consider using a foot massage roller or a tennis ball. These tools allow you to apply more intense pressure on specific points, helping to alleviate pain and stiffness. Incorporating regular massages into your foot care routine will not only improve their health but also provide a sense of overall well-being and relaxation.

Relaxing massages: relief for tired feet

Caring for your feet in the summer is essential to fully enjoy your vacation. From daily hydration to choosing the right footwear, each practice contributes to keeping your feet in optimal condition.

Incorporating these habits into your daily routine will ensure that your feet stay healthy and ready for any summer adventure.

Remember that well-cared-for feet are the key to a worry-free vacation. Spend a few minutes each day on your foot care routine, and you’ll see how grateful your feet will be.

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