Did you know that the average conversion rate for opt-in free trials to paying customers is around 25%? If opt-in trials aren’t a part of your SaaS marketing plans, they should be.

To stay competitive within your SaaS niche, you need to make the most of every marketing channel available. So, what other ideas could you be making the most of to boost your SaaS marketing? You’ve come to the right place.

Check out these 5 unique ideas to improve your SaaS marketing today.

1. Offer Opt-In Free Trials

If your SaaS company doesn’t offer free trials, you’re losing out on plenty of leads and potential customers. It will cost you almost nothing, depending on your service, to offer a free trial.

The best free trial to offer is an opt-in trial. This means that users don’t have to add credit card details. Removing this barrier ensures more users sign up for free trials.

Free trials are one of the most effective marketing ideas because this is how you show off your software. For free trials to work, it’s best to offer complete access to the platform.

2. Use Social Proof 

Social proof, such as reviews and customer testimonials, should be a core component of SaaS marketing campaigns. Spread the word by embedding social proof on your landing pages and resource content.

You can also share positive reviews on your social media channels or in email marketing campaigns. This will help to build trust with your audience and gives people insight into the best parts of your platform.

3. Start Content Marketing

Content marketing is a fantastic growth strategy for SaaS brands. Publishing data-driven content within your niche is the best way to boost your topical authority and increase trustworthiness.

Ensure your content strategy targets users at every stage of the buyer journey. Find out the questions that users are asking about your industry and provide detailed, unique content to answer these questions.

4. Create PPC Campaigns

SEO is likely already a part of your digital marketing campaign (if it’s not, it should be!). SaaS PPC is a fantastic tactic to support your content marketing and SEO efforts to improve organic traffic and KPIs.

For an effective PPC campaign, you’ll need to conduct thorough keyword research. Keep an eye out for long-tail keywords that will be effective but also have a low cost-per-click.

Once you’ve decided on the right keywords, make sure that your SEO efforts support growth for your top-performing PPC keywords.

5. Offer Referral Incentives

Who doesn’t love a freebie? SaaS users certainly do! Offering a referral incentive is a great way to get your customers to spread the word about your software.

Offer your existing customers a free month of service, or a free upgrade in return for referrals. This will work well with long-standing customers especially, as they hopefully love your product.

Improve Your SaaS Marketing Today

Are you feeling inspired to step up your SaaS marketing game? These 5 effective ideas will boost your leads and new customers, and you can start implementing many of these tactics straight away. What are you waiting for?

Looking for more tips and tricks to boost your SaaS brand? Keep exploring our site for more informative content!

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