As the commercial airline industry struggles with delayed flights, staffing shortages, and poor customer service, you may find yourself considering using private jets for your personal or business travel.

Once a luxury available only to the rich and famous, flying on private jets is now available to any and all types of passengers. If you’re curious about what’s happening in this industry, here are the top trends in 2023.

Membership Programs

If you are a person who regularly travels by air for business purposes, you may be interested in the 2023 trend of flexible membership programs. Growing in popularity among companies that use private jets for business travel, these programs allow you or your company to purchase a certain amount of flight hours that can be used over the course of one year. Should you want to be guaranteed a spot on a private jet for all of your business trips, this is a great option that can save you time and money.

Wider Array of Aircraft

One of the most exciting 2023 trends in the private aviation industry is the introduction of many new aircraft models that will make your travel more efficient, comfortable, and luxurious.

As new technology is introduced within the aviation industry, private jet companies are beginning to add state-of-the-art jets to their fleets. In 2023, expect to see such aircraft as the Gulfstream G700 and the Dassault Falcon 10X become more popular with travelers, since each offers better fuel efficiency, larger and more luxurious cabins, and longer flight ranges.

Increased Emphasis on Safety

Since many people are still concerned about air travel following the COVID-19 pandemic, private jet companies are making sure they emphasise the health and safety of their crews and passengers.

Along with conducting regular deep aircraft cleanings, companies also offer on-site COVID testing to passengers who desire this option. By doing so, private jet companies can give their customers peace of mind while providing the luxury and safety travelers on private jets expect.

Greater Marketing to Non-Business Clients

Since more and more people continue to grow dissatisfied with the commercial airline industry for various reasons, 2023 will find many private jet companies catering more to non-business clients.

You are wrong if you are like many people and assume private jets are used mainly by Fortune 500 executives. In fact, statistics show that many charities and universities rely on private aviation when they need to travel on business, for private retreats, or for other needs.

Personalized Flights

Over the years, being able to offer passengers a personalized and customized flight filled with luxury has always been one of the best selling points for private jet companies. However, 2023 will take this up another notch or two. As many companies add new aircraft to their fleets, passengers will be given even more flight options.

Some of the most popular will be in-flight meals that will be more customized than ever to meet the dietary specifications of passengers, larger cabins that allow for more comfort for clients who want to bring family and friends along on a trip, and even on-board amenities for pets, which will include customized quarters and menus.

Environmentally-Friendly Companies

If you have been trying to do your part to help the environment and save the planet from the effects of climate change, you will be glad to learn that 2023 will find many private jet companies becoming more environmentally friendly. Rather than leave large carbon footprints around the world, private jet companies are beginning to explore options such as sustainable aviation fuel and adding electric or hybrid-electric planes to their fleets. Technology in this area has advanced tremendously in recent years, making it easier for companies to become more environmentally friendly without compromising their quality, service, and profits.

As you fly more and more on private jets in 2023, chances are you will notice many of the trends discussed here. Whether you bring your dog or cat along for the ride, fly on an all-electric jet, or sign up for a membership program to save time and money, you’ll see just why private jet travel is being chosen over commercial airline flights.

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