Log Horizon, also known as the destruction of the round table, is a science fiction anime series premiered on 5th October 2013. This Japanese anime was seen as the best by many and saw it as a replacement of top animes such as Sword Art Online. However, that didn’t materialize due to delays in the premiering of its third season.
After the second season of Log Horizon ended on 28th March 2015, fans have been waiting for season three, with some even thinking that it has been canceled. Yeah, that might be the case earlier on, but today I have good news for you.
Log Horizon season three is around the corner. And in about a month, it will be premiering.
So, in today’s guide, you will learn more about this Japanese anime.
Why Did Log Horizon Delay?
This anime plot depends on Mamare Tuono’s (real name Daisuke Umezu) novel Log Horizon. But after the second season, Tuono was charged with tax evasion. According to reports, Mamare has not remitted about $996 438 US dollars from Maoyu and Log Horizon royalties for three years.
The court found him guilty and sentenced him to house arrest for ten months. Later on, Mamare Tuono, through his official website, apologized to his fans and said that he had paid the taxes. However, after clearing himself, another challenge dawned as rumors, according to Monster Critics, said no Japanese company wanted to be associated with Umezu’s character.
That was sorted out, and now preparations to produce and release season three began. After that, the third season’s practice and production began and was expected to debut in October 2020. However, that didn’t happen due to the pandemic that struck the globe leading to its postponement.
Release Date of the Log Horizon Season 3
After the postponement, when do we expect the anime to be premiered? According to the producers of this anime, its release will be on 13th January 2021.
Where will it be Shown?
If you have watched seasons one and two, you know this anime has been airing on NHK Educational Tv. The producers’ confirmed reports will be on the same network as the previous seasons.
How Many Episodes Will It Have?
The third season of Log Horizon will have a few episodes compared to twenty-five for seasons one and two. The reason for episode reduction is not apparent, but you will surely enjoy the third season.
The Cast of Log Horizon Season 3
Don’t expect changes in the cast of this anime, as all will be retained. The principal director is known as Shinji Ishihira, who has directed all the fifty episodes. The cast includes;
- Akatsuki
- Shiroe
- Nyanta
- Naotsugu
- Minori
- Tohya
These are the main characters on Log Horizon. There are others but expect to see them on the third season.
Is There an English Version of this Anime Series?
Even though Log Horizon is a Japanese anime, global fans who don’t understand the Japanese language have a chance to watch it in English. Crunchyroll Inc. chooses to air it in English for fans from North America and who understand English. Furthermore, you can watch it in Japanese as you read English subtitles via Hulu.
Therefore, don’t miss out due to a lack of understanding of Japanese.
The Plot
Log Horizon is based on a young, dynamic man who likes adventure and trouble in a simulated world. The virtual world is from the famous MMPROG “Elder Tale.” After the update (twelfth expansion pack) of Elder Tale, gamers were taken to a new world with new challenges. And on this occasion was Shiroe, an anti-social gamer. Shiroe has to partner with other cast members Akatsuki and Naotsugu to face the virtual world’s challenges as they were unable to get out.
Shiroe and his team found challenges such as interacting and gaining trust with Akiba natives. During that time, there was no peace due to them being foreign in Akiba’s virtual city. But after some time, the natives trusted the trio, and peace was found between them. Shiroe formed a round table alliance in which he was the leader. His leadership made the city peaceful and made it grow, making it a habitable place for all.
Money to govern the city was decreasing, and during that time, Shiroe and other leaders discovered that the Minami district had sent their spies. This didn’t make Shiroe fearful but made him think of exploring other challenges in Elder Tale.
This makes Shiroe brave despite him being socially awkward at the beginning of this anime.
It has been five years of waiting for Log Horizon fans. But that’s has come to an end as season three will be premiering on January 2021. Therefore, it’s time to wait and get to enjoy this fascinating anime from Japan.