Hustle & Soul is a reality drama series that features Chef Lawrence Page, the owner of Pink Tea Cup Restaurant who is aiming to attach a Michelin star to his name. 

The show mainly focuses on the restaurant’s operations, serving excellent quality of soul food along with his and crew members’ personal lives. Sooner the show shifted its focus on a love triangle that unfolds with twisted turnabout of events and more unexpected circumstances.

If you want to know more about this reality series that might spark your interest and join the crazy conversations on social media then keep on reading!

The Plot

The main focus of the reality series is to feature Chef Lawrence’s effort to earn a Michelin star to make his restaurant be widely known and at par with other establishments in the food industry. 

It is shown in the series that Chef Lawrence is making sure that he overlooks the operation at the restaurant as well as his crew member’s welfare which was spiced up a little bit with twists and complications as a new season unfolds.

The first season went off with Anna getting jealous over Thandi and leaving the restaurant which resulted in Thandi being promoted to a senior post. Followed by the second season, Ana made sure to return and take back what’s rightfully hers from the start as well as reclaiming Chef Lawrence. 

With this, the couple got back together and was finally engaged, ending with Lawrence hiring Cola and Jon Jon. Hustle & Soul Season 3 brought a whole new set of twisted drama to Chef Lawrence’s effort in aiming for a Michelin star. It highlights how Anna and her girl squad ganged on their newly hired crew member Cola as well as Thandi’s mischievous attempts in offering a good deal to Chef Lawrence.

Hustle & Soul Season 4: Release Date

A lot of fans and audiences have been so intrigued by this reality show to the point where the casts would receive personal messages and threats. But despite the unfavorable critics, there are also those who want the series to be renewed for another season. 

However, because of some controversies that the casts most especially Chef Lawrence had been facing since the premiere of the third season, he firmly said in his live interviews that he won’t be doing another season of the show if the producers will continue to destroy his image and even risking his chance of attaching a Michelin star to his name.

Hustle & Soul Cast

Since the very first season, Hustle & Soul had introduced to us six main casts which made it possible to be renewed three times. Chef Lawrence Page or Chef Liberace is the owner and head chef of The Pink Tea Cup Restaurant. He is the man behind its successful business operation for over twenty years hustling in the food industry alongside his partner, Ana Lavender who works as the restaurant’s general manager. She is known to be hot-headed with an ardent temper and although they have a child together, they are still not married nor engaged. 

Other crew members of the restaurant were Thandi, the main server or floor manager; Sana, the amorous feisty which constantly fall on the negative side of Ana; Candice, the lead bartender that connects with every customer instantly; lastly, the twins Dominic and Stephen who are waiters at the Pink Tea Cup.

However, there were some unexpected casting in season three where it caused disturbance to the establishment which a lot of people are seeing the restaurant’s image negatively.

Hustle & Soul Season 4 Release Date

The third season for Hustle & Soul premiered on April 4, 2019, until June 2019 on We TV which ran for ten episodes with one hour-long per episode.  There has been no official announcement on its renewal on We TV and release for the show’s season 4 although they have a record for being consistent in releasing seasons since 2017. 


It was rumored that Hustle & Soul Season 4 is officially canceled due to some controversies that Lawrence faced in season 3. He claimed that Cola and Jon Jon are not crew members and that they were placed on the show to stir things up in the restaurant and cause a huge mess by the producers. 

The issue regarding Ana and Thandi jumping onto Cola was a set up made by the producers of the show when they witnessed that a car was even prepared outside right after the commotion was done. Lawrence also narrated in his life that the producers are working so hard to ruin his reputation and restaurant’s name 

He also assured everyone that fights don’t happen so casually at his restaurant and it is just pure fake storylines with even lesser features of him actually being a chef in the kitchen.

However, despite the controversy, avid fans of the show are still anticipating for it to renew and come back for another season.

Hustle & Soul Season 4 Official Trailer

With the ongoing controversy being faced by the casts of Hustle & Soul, there is no official release or concrete information for its Season 4 yet, however, you can check out the trailer and some clips of the preceding seasons right here.

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