If you’re here, chances are you’ve seen a drastic decline in your business. And this whole credit goes to your inactive users. 

There can be lots of reasons why users are inactive-maybe they liked you at first glance but later found you unworthy. Or maybe they have found another app that is giving them the best user experience. 

As an app owner, you need to think about your CUSTOMERS instead of your BENEFITS. 

Consider an app like an Indian cuisine that you’re serving to the World with lots of chunks and decorative materials that seems appealing. But when it comes to TASTE, it has nothing to make their taste buds happy. So, my point is when creating an app, you should focus on its features and user experience that add value to users. 

So, to reactivate your users on your app, you need to work hard and opt for the best technique, Android Push Notifications that help you re-engage your users, and you do not see a dead graveyard again in your life. 

However, before diving into the ways, it’s essential to look at some major reasons why customers are dropping out. Plus, it helps you identify what points you need to work on.  

Let’s see!

Reasons Why Customers Are Inactive 

  • Your app is providing zero value to users
  • Complex or perplexing user interface
  • Convoluted functionality
  • Poor updates and lack of features
  • Poor onboarding process
  • In-app advertising 
  • Trust issues

What Are Android Push Notifications?

Android push notifications are the most important tactics for brands to re-engage inactive users. 

These are the small pop-up messages sent directly to the user’s mobile device and appear on the screen or the top section of a mobile device. Only the app publisher can send the message to the users if the user has been allowed to send them. 

Additionally, push notifications are not tough. They are quite easy to install and use. Plus, this has a higher re-engagement rate for those who have subscribed to your site. Also, customer engagement with push notifications doesn’t cost you higher. 

5 Android Push Notifications Strategies That Help You Reactivate Users

  • Send Compelling Messages

Push notifications are quite different from emails. The push message must be in 40 and 120 characters, and it should be appealing, and users get excited to know about you. Your message must deliver value to the users and the right answers for the user’s query; this gives a higher Click-through rate. 

For instance, you are hosting an event, and already 500 members have enrolled in the event. If you require more subscribers, then you can add a call to action to your content that creates a sense of urgency. 

Here are some cool pointers you’ll need to keep in mind when writing a notification copy-

  • Create a catchy title with appealing copy
  • Make your content in a conversational tone
  • Try impressive one-liners or CTAs
  • Make your content language super easy that convey your message clearly
  • Make your message personalize as much as you can

You can perform A/B testing to know which copy will perform the best to get the best results.

  • Try Single Step Opt-In

Opt-in is a single option that asks for approval from the user to send push notifications or not. Once the user allows sending notifications, you do not need to be so pushy. Keep things in limitation. However, if the user clicks on the block, they will never see your notifications again. 

And if you do things precisely, you can achieve push notifications opt-in with a 20% subscription rate. You need to ask your customers to opt in at the right time (not too early or late).

One of the best methods is to display an opt-in box as the response to the user’s actions. Find the right time to display opt-in, so users accept the request. For example, if you are running an e-store, utilize the push notifications to showcase their order status. 

  • Avoid Sending Irrelevant Messages

Every app publisher keeps in mind that if sending push notifications is easy, it doesn’t mean you send them aggressively. You must think about the results of sending bulk irrelevant notifications. It may lead to unsubscribing your notifications. 

You should convey your messages simply and only when they’re needed. Do not irritate your users, and do not forward messages when nothing is exciting for the users. Here are some pro tips for sending notifications.

  • Know about your targeted audience – are they frequent buyers or leads?
  • What’s the purpose of sending a notification?
  • Which business are you targeting?

By determining these answers, you can plan your personalized messages accordingly.

  • Focus On CTA 

A Call-To-Action is the most important part of a push notification that you need to work on. Ensure that every push notification has the power to turn users into the next action. They should be noticeable and intriguing, so the user acts immediately. Here are a few examples you can incorporate-

  • Try for free
  • Claim your gift
  • Book a consultation now
  • Get discount


  • Prepare Multichannel Strategy

Many marketers are trying their hands at a multichannel approach to reactivate their dormant users. While push notifications have a three-fold higher reach for cart abandonment than emails, 70% of users conduct research across three or more channels before making a purchase. 

You could email them a few hours later after giving them a real-time discount on their browser via push notifications. This approach is used by shopping sites, which send transactional information via push notification and email. Even if the user does not receive the push notifications, they will suffice, increasing the likelihood of conversion. 

The Bottom Line

Android Push Notification is an amazing technique to get in touch with users, even if they are not active on your website. This comes with greater effectiveness since it helps re-engage users with existing customers with the right offers. So, utilize all the above strategies and reactivate your users to enjoy great business success. However, if you want to know the best push notifications platform visit Wonderpush. 

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