Hinamatsuri is a 12-episode anime adapted from the manga series that’s written and illustrated by Masao Otake. The anime covers comedy, seinen, and superpower genres with teenagers named Hina and Nitta. It was created by Feel Studio, which has produced acclaimed anime like Remake Our Life!

The series is directed by Kei Oikawa, who has worked on a couple of Naruto’s episodes and season two of Oregairu. Hinamatsuri is licensed by Funimation and Crunchyroll and broadcasted on many local channels like Tokyo MX, AT-X, Sun TV, TVQ, TVA, BS11, and KBS Kyoto.

After more than four years, the fans of Hinamatsuri are curious about the anime’s second season. Below we have discussed the possibility.

What is the Plotline of Hinamatsuri?

Yoshifumi Nitta is a member of the yakuza (Japanese mafia) who likes collecting porcelain vases. One evening, a metal box falls over his head when he is sitting and enjoying himself in his apartment. On the box is a human face which Nitta tries to ignore in vain. The next morning the face on the box instructs Nitta to get the body out of the box.

A girl named Hina, who has telekinetic powers, comes out. He must protect her. Although Hina’s powers help Nitta in his yakuza work, she becomes a burden to him. The following experiences turn everything into chaos as people who followed Hina into the new world crash with her new friends.

Will there be Season Two of Hinamatsuri?

As of June 2022, Feel studio or any related company has not renewed the series for a second season. However, animes get renewed for a new season even a couple of years later. We can speculate about the second season’s release following factors like the manga status and popularity of the anime.

What is the Manga Status?

Hinamatsuri is adapted from a manga written and illustrated by a Japanese artist, Masao Otake. The series was published by Enterbrain and appeared in Harta Magazine from 2010 to 2020. The 19th volume of the series was its finale.

Only the first nine volumes of the manga were adapted into the anime. In terms of source material, there are ten more volumes that can create a new season of the anime series. However, the manga can’t provide for more than one new season.

What is the anime’s Disc Sale Status and Popularity?

In terms of disc sales, Hinamatsuri sold 1024 units, far below the 4,000 threshold that determines the renewal of a series for new seasons. However, disc sales have decreased in recent years.

As of popularity, the Hinamatsuri series ranked 407th on Myanimelist, which is 85%. In terms of popularity, based on the anime’s Google search status, its score is 64%. The score is above average but not as good as animes that have received new season approval in recent years. Its Twitter page is followed by 15k people, way below the required 100k followers.

When is the Second Season?

Hinamatsuri has not yet been renewed for a new season. The second season has enough source material, but that isn’t the only consideration. With low popularity and disc sales, the chances of renewal are narrow. However, we’ll update Hinamatsuri’s season two status as soon as an official update is released.

Given Anime Season 2: Renewed or Cancelled?

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