The show revolves around a group of four girls who are classmates and call themselves DGM, which means Don’t Get Mad, Get Even. The group has a goal to expose the bullies and fight cruelty in their private high school.

However, later in the show, the girls find themselves entangled in a huge mess when they get fame for murder.

Season 1 generated a successful huge buzz on streaming platforms and among viewers. So are there chances of getting Even Season 2?

Keep reading because here is everything we know so far!

Let’s Have a Quick Recap of Get Even Season 1

Before diving into the Get Even Season 2, let’s take a quick recap of Season 1.

The girls started investigating the murderer of Ronnie soon after his death. The group finally found out the murderer when Logan confessed and admitted that he killed Ronnie unintentionally. Logan accidentally pushed Ronnie out of the bedroom window, and he died at the spot. Four girls revealed his story to the world, but it was not the end of the story.

After revealing the truth, they all were happy, but soon they faced the bad news from Kitty that she could not continue her studies because the school didn’t renew her scholarship. Girls now have their second goal to help Kitty with her studies and save her future.

Get Even Season 1 left its fan with a cliffhanger because the ending of the series showed that Logan told Margot about the society that his family is a part of, and they are after DGM. A mysterious black car was approaching and watching them while they were talking. This shows that some influential people are after DGM because the group was responsible for revealing the rotten system of the school. And here season 1 ends, leaving all its fans in suspense!

Due to the thriller and suspense ending of season 1, fans firmly believe that there will be Get Even Season 2!

Expected Story of ‘Get Even’ Season 2

As we saw in the first season, how girls managed to find out the confession of Logan for murdering Ronnie and expose him in front of everyone, their problems didn’t end there. And soon after their first victory, they heard the sad news from Kitty when she confessed that she continued her studies further because the school no longer renewed her scholarship.

The girls promised to save Kitty’s future, and their new mission was to help her in her studies rather than expose the bullies. Kitty’s future is at no stage now and depends on the DGM to help and save her scholarship. The DGM has also stirred all-powerful people behind the Bannerman School, and that too after exposing the students and staff’s misconduct.

The series is more than just exposing bullies because the DGM will face more severe threats. The secret society and the intention of rich people will be exposed to the outer world that is not yet visible, DGM will face more unexpected threats!

Get Even Season 2 will make the plot of the show thicker, and we have to look at McNeil’s book for the possible happening for Get Even Season 2. The synopsis of the sequel novel by ‘Don’t Get Mad Get Dirty’ is on its way to revealing dangers for the DGM. If you are excited about the Get Even Season 2, you can read the sequel novel ‘Don’t Get Mad’.

Expected Cast of ‘Get Even’ Season 2

For now, the cast of the Get Even Season 2 is only dependent on the assumption, but we hope that it includes the same characters as season 1.

The Get Even Season 1 consists of a group of four major girls: Kim Adis as Kitty Wei, Bethany Antonia as Margot Rivers, Mia McKenna-Bruce as Bree Deringer and Jessica Alexander as Olivia Hayes.

Razan Nassar plays the role of Amber, Joe Ashman as Rex, Dylan Brady as Ed, Chris J Gordon appears as Donte, and Danny Griffin plays the role of Shane.

Other characters, such as Joe Flynn, who is the eventual bully and murder victim of Ronny Kent. The role of a girl whose photos were stolen and leaked online is played by Carey as Mika Cavanaugh. Isaac Rouse as John, who is the closest confidant of Bree.

Jack Derges as the Coach Creed and Ayumi Spyrides as Camilla, a student who has an illegal connection with the coach.

When Will ‘Get Even Season 2’ Be Released?

Unfortunately, the makers haven’t renewed the show yet. If they start filming the Get Even Season 2, we will probably get the new season in 2022. Get Even had a vast fan-based and was initially released in February on the BBC. There is a massive fan following of the show, and fans eagerly wait for season 2. This means makers might come up with the Get Even Season 2.

Netflix nowadays is involved in popular show streaming, and then there are chances that we might now get the new season of Get Even. And that too, until the streaming giants can assess it, all the season 3 will go well on the platform.

This can take several weeks or months also, but don’t be chaotic because we haven’t come across the cancellation announcement of the new season from the makers yet!

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