Fuller House is an American SitCom which aired as a Netflix special. The show is a spin-off of another American SitCom called Full House which aired from 1987 to 1995. The show tells the story of D.J. Tanner-Fuller. She is a mother of three sons taking care of her children on her own since she is a widow.

She lives at her childhood home in San Francisco, California. Also loving in the house with her is her sister and a friend of hers. Her sister is Stephanie and the best friend is Kimmy, who is also accompanied by her teenage daughter.

Together they through life’s struggle and help each other out in tough times. Although, it is not always a bright day for their relations with the rest of the residents of the house. Several actors reprised their roles from Full house on Fuller house with some exceptions.

D.J Tanner-Fuller, our leading character, and a veterinarian loses her firefighter husband when he was fighting a dangerous fire. She decides to move back with her father, Danny Tanner, back in their childhood home in San Francisco, California. But, after she moves in, her father has to go away for work. Thus, she is joined by her sister Stephanie and her best friend Kimmy.

Both move in and help her with three kids, 13 years old Jackson, 7 years old Max, and baby Tommy Junior. Kimmy also has a teenage daughter, Ramona. One of the show’s strong points is that it can be enjoyed with one’s family since there are no jokes which make anyone blush or present strong political viewpoints. The characters’ journey through their tough situations with a joke at the end is very wholesome and attracts an audience of all ages.

Fuller House Season 6 Release Date

Fuller House, the sequel to the 80s and 90s era SitCom Full house, was aired on Netflix for the entirety of its run. At first, Netflix gave the green flag to the first season only. The first season was released on 26 February 2016. While the reception by the critics was generally negative, the show did manage to create its own space in the audience and came back with another season. The second season was released on 9 December 2016.

Each of the first two seasons had thirteen episodes. After these, the third season was announced to be released in two parts each with nine episodes. The first part was released on 22 September 2017 and the second was released on 22Dexember 2017. The general reception of the latter seasons was positive as compared to the first one. The fourth season took some time and was released on 14 December 2018. It had thirteen episodes. With the announcement of the fifth season, it was made clear that it would be the final season of the show. A parting and emotional video of the cast was also released on Twitter.

The final season also contained eighteen episodes in total and was released in two parts. The first nine episodes were released on 6 December 2019 and the remaining episodes on 2 June 2020. The show came and that was it for the characters. The finale gives the characters appropriate endings. The gang is all back together under one roof.

The reasons for the cancellation of the show might depend upon several factors and we will try to discuss the most prominent one. It is believed that the show did not have as much viewership as Netflix expected and therefore, they decided to take it down. While Netflix does not make its viewership numbers public, experts estimate that this is the main reason behind the cancellation of the show. Netflix gave the show a proper goodbye through eh the fifth season and it is confirmed that there are no plans for Season 6.

Fuller House Season 6 Cast

Fuller House is a show grounded in its characters. Therefore, we are sure that if the show does get another run, the characters will be played by none other than the previous actors which are beloved by the fans.

The cast has said in several interviews that they would have been happy with playing the characters their whole lives. It was the studio that decided to bring the show to an end. Here is a list of the cast of Fuller house.

  • Candace Cameron Bure as D.J. Tanner-Fuller, a widowed mother and a veterinarian[8]
  • Jodie Sweetin as Stephanie Tanner, D.J.’s younger sister
  • Andrea Barber as Kimmy Gibbler, D.J.’s best friend who moves in with D.J. and Stephanie to help raise D.J.’s kids.
  • Michael Campion as Jackson Fuller, D.J.’s teenage son
  • Elias Harger as Max Fuller, D.J.’s bit of a neat freak second son
  • Soni Nicole Bringas as Ramona Gibbler, Kimmy’s teenage daughter
  • Dashiell & Fox Messitt as Tommy Fuller, Jr., D.J.’s youngest son who gets his name from his late father.
  • Juan Pablo Di Pace as Fernando Hernandez-Guerrero-Fernandez-Guerrero, Kimmy’s ex-husband and Ramona’s father

Will we ever get Fuller House Season 6?

The season finale of the Season 5 game a perfect ending to the storyline of the character that we had been watching for five years. While it is official that there are no plans from Netflix about reviving the show for another season, are there still any chances left for Season 6? Netflix pulling the plug on the show with season 5 was as much of a shock to the creative team as it was for the viewers.

The creative team was so certain about the show going on for another reason, that had some storyline written for it in advance. Star of the show Candace Camaron Bure, also the producer of the show, has said that she was looking forward to playing DJ for another season.

The new season could revolve around storylines about the three couples’ lives and adventures under the same roof. The show could finally put some effort into their young stars and the children of Fuller House could get some storylines. But, as of now, Netflix has denied any involvement in plans reviving the show for another season, namely Season 6.

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