Akashic Records is undoubtedly one of the most popular anime series globally. Released in 2017, the action and fantasy series is based on the light novel series by Tarō Hitsuji’s. This exciting and engaging series was created by Liden Films- a relatively new studio that is slowly gaining popularity in the movie industry.
Liden Films has also created other impressive series such as Code Black which is a spin-off series of Cells at Work!‘s. In addition, they are set to release five new anime series this year and the fans cannot wait to get their hands on it. However, this article is not about the new series but Akashic Records season 2.
Akashic Records first aired on different networks- Tokyo MX, AT-X, TVA, MBS, and BS11. The first season ended on the 20th of June, 2017 which makes it a five-year wait for season 2. Hence, many fans wonder if there truly is a renewal or it is all speculation.
Before you can answer that, it’s best to revisit the plot of the series.
Akashic Records Iconic Plot
The plot centers on Sistine who seeks to improve her magic to solve the mystery of the puzzling sky castle. To achieve this task, she enrolls at the magic academy of the Alzano Empire where she encounters Glenn. Unlike Sistine, Glenn is a struggling teacher who seeks to fill his retired teacher’s shoes. Unfortunately, students and teachers consider him to be lazy and incompetent.
Glenn’s arrogant and nonchalant behavior sets Sistine off which leads her to invite Glenn to a fight that will help him improve her teaching skills.
Overall, Akashic Records is all about Glenn’s significance- why is he chosen by the strongest wizard? Plus, why does he act like he doesn’t have magical powers?
Is The Light Novel Series By Tarō Hitsuji Still In Circulation?
As indicated earlier, Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor is based on a light novel series. Written by Tarō Hitsuji, it was first published on the 19th of July, 2014. Since the plot of Akashic Records is derived from the light novel series, its continuation is beneficial to the release of a season 2.
The light novel series last published 19 volumes on the 19th of December, 2020. And since the first season of Akashic records covers only the first 4 volumes, it’s evident there will be more seasons to cover the others.
Will There Be A Second Season Of Akashic Records?
Based on the information above, there is no reason why there shouldn’t be a second season. But, Liden Films or other related organizations have not hinted on a renewal or a specific date of renewal. Nevertheless, many anime are sequels and it only makes sense that Akashic Records follows the same route.
Aside from the 15 volumes of the light novel that are yet to be recreated, the Blu-ray disc sales and popularity of the anime is another reason why there should be a season 2.
What Are The Disc (Blu-ray and DVD) Sales & Popularity of Akashic Records?
The more profit an anime series makes, the more likely it will transition into a sequel. An evaluation committee keeps track of disc sales and ultimately decides if it is beneficial to the film company. According to several resources, an anime must sell 4,000 copies before a second season can be approved.
Unfortunately, the first season of Akashic Records sold only 2,485 units which can affect the chances of a second season. As for the anime’s popularity score, 90.2% of viewers liked the series according to Google. Even though this score is promising, it is difficult to tell if there will be a renewal of Akashic Records season 2.
Hopefully, there will be more information about the release date for Akashic Records season 2 soon.