Your newborn has returned home, and the two you are taking each day as it comes as you are trying to make it the new normal. Your instincts are on overdrive as you do whatever you can to keep your baby’s delicate skin, hair, and nails safe.

However, you’ve realised that your infant’s skin dries out too quickly, which is starting to cause you some anxiety. Because it loses moisture much faster than adult skin, baby skin requires a little extra attention and toddler skin care to keep it healthy and encourage its growth. Care for your baby’s sensitive skin by learning what you should and should not put on it from this article.

Before you begin caring for your baby’s skin, think about a few things.

Infants’ immune systems, not just their skin, are highly vulnerable. Babies’ sensitive skin can be irritated or even develop eczema if they come into contact with the harsh chemicals, dyes, and fragrances in baby products or clothing. The good news is that you can avoid all these issues by using some planning and preparation.

Taking Care of Your Baby’s Skin the Natural Way: A Complete Guide

Have you seen how wrinkled your baby’s skin is? This happens because it is adjusting to a dry environment outside the womb. Vernix, a protective covering, would have been present in the newborn’s first few days. Typically, you won’t even need to rub off the vernix. Once it’s removed, proper skin care can finally begin. These will assist you in keeping your baby’s skin healthy, moisturised, and protected from the dryness that can lead to irritation.

The baby should be washed less frequently.

If you give your baby over three baths a week in his first year, you risk washing away some of the protective oils in his skin. Because of this, the skin may become dry and more prone to irritation.

In all honesty, infants don’t get dirty, do they? Spit-up and messes from diapers don’t necessarily require a bath. Most days, you should use a sponge to wash your baby quickly. However, just on days that you do decide to bathe your baby, it is imperative that you only use non-toxic products so that no harmful chemicals are absorbed through their skin.

Don’t use scented items. 

Products with added fragrances should be avoided when caring for a newborn. Your baby’s delicate skin may be irritated and cause health issues for the baby’s internal organs. Artificial fragrances are crafted with chemicals your child’s developing body can handle. If you’re concerned about what you’re putting on your baby’s skin, using only organic products with organic certification is the right thing to go for.

Always wash your baby’s clothes before they are worn.

When washing your baby’s blankets, clothing, bedding, and napkins use gentle, chemical-free detergents for the baby’s skin. Your baby’s skin may also be irritated by the dyes and chemicals used to make clothing.

To Protect Baby’s Skin, Moisturise It

Babies’ skin may be dry, but it’s not entirely without natural oils because of their bodies. It may take longer for these oil glands to mature in some infants. It keeps your baby’s skin soft and supple by using a lotion made with all-natural, organic ingredients that act as a barrier against environmental aggressors.


Now you know! With proper toddler skin care, you can ensure that your baby’s skin is healthy and protected. If you use only non-toxic baby products and are gentle when caring for your child’s skin and hair, you won’t have to worry about anything. The upside is that the baby will be a lot cosier, healthier, and happier.

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