Locks of hair don’t just start falling out for no reason. You might not even be aware of the many external causes that can make your hair weak and finally cause it to succumb to gravity. But whatever the reason may be, you can get your hair back with a successful hair transplant. There are many professionals out there offering the best hair transplant treatments.

However, the result of a hair transplant depends upon the efforts you put into the aftercare you put in your hair. But one of the best things you can do for your hair is getting a hair transplant. There are also some great tips for preventing hair loss and ensuring that you have a full head of gorgeous locks for years to come. The first step towards regaining your hair is finding the Best Hair Restoration in NYC.

Tips For Complete Care Of Your Hair

The scalp is the most crucial part of the hair follicles, and if it is not adequately nourished and cleansed, your hair will stop growing. Once you are through with your hair transplant, it’s time to take care of your hair. By putting some effort into ensuring proper care of your hair, the overall quality of your hair will be significantly improved. Here’s a quick brief at five tried and tested aftercare tips for hair transplant:

1.       Avoid Heavy Exercising & Strenuous Activities

Heavy exercising and strenuous activities can result in hair loss- it may mess up your normal hormone function. Meanwhile, if you are going to engage in heavy workouts after getting a hair transplant, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Here’s a list of strenuous activities you should look to avoid after getting a hair transplant:

  • Running or jogging for long hours
  • Spending hours at the gym
  • Intense cardio workout

You must not engage yourself too much in heavy exercises and strenuous activities. And if you do, you must make sure that your hair is tied up securely. It would help if you also concentrated on wearing a cap or using other means of keeping sweat out of your eyes.

2.       Do Not Shower Or Bath More Than Once A Day

If you have a hair transplant done and want it to have a long-lasting effect, you should keep your hair from getting too much exposure to water. For example, if you usually shower or bathe more than once a day, try reducing it to once every other day. Excessive exposure to hard water or shampoos often damages your hair and scalp.

Over-showering and over bathing can cause hair loss by stripping off essential oils from the scalp. This can choke the follicles, resulting in your hair falling out more quickly than otherwise. If you want to use any shampoo or hair after the transplant, consult your doctor.

3.       Keep Your Hair Protected From Heat & Pollution

You must ensure that your hair is kept protected from pollution, heat, sunlight, and other environmental factors. You must also take care of your hair and keep it away from heat, such as steaming or hair straightening. Just find Best Hair Restoration in NYC, and they will suggest you many hair care measures.

Additionally, you need also to ensure that you do not share your hair too much with others; make sure to keep it out of touching things such as telephones, computers, fans, and other electrical items. The air around us is filled with dirt and dust particles which causes excellent quality.

4.       Stay Away From Wearing Hats & Headgear

You must avoid wearing any hats or headgear for the month once you get a new transplant. Remember that your scalp may be sensitive for a few days after the transplant is over, and you may start experiencing new hair growth there.

Avoid wearing any hats or headgear for at least six months after getting a hair transplant. Wearing a cap prevents airflow with the scalp and ultimately weakens new hair roots. Wearing hats also puts unwanted pressure on your hair and damages your hair for too long.

5.       Eat Plenty Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

After your hair transplant, you must eat plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, vital nutrients for hair growth, and healthy skin. When you have a successful hair transplant, you can eat as much fish and shellfish as possible without worrying about an allergic reaction.

Moreover, most people start experiencing new hair growth in the area of their transplanted grafts within a few days to weeks after the procedure. You can take help from a nutritionist to plan a healthy diet that will suit your requirement.

There are few things more frustrating than staring at the shower curtain while trying to wash your hair but still being unable to get all of the shampoos out. This is due to the buildup of excess product on the surface of your hair shafts.

How Does Hair Transplant Help In Ensuring Proper Growth?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that re-assigns hair from one part of the head to other. It helps extend the growth phase of your natural hair and enhances it with more density. With good density, you can expect all that thick, luxurious head of locks you always wanted, giving you a more youthful look. However, its essential that you are getting the treatment from the Best Hair Restoration in NYC.

If you suffer from hair loss and know that nothing else seems to work other than surgery, a hair transplant can be a perfect option. And when you add proper aftercare into this, it helps to ensure that your new follicles have optimal conditions for growth. In addition, this treatment attempts to create new mini-trees in the bald spots within your scalp.

Final Words

The hair loss treatment is a procedure that you can use to help improve your hair health and ensure better growth. However, using it alone may not be enough if your hair is fragile and damaged from years of abuse. This is why it’s a good idea to combine the treatment with some aftercare tips to improve your hair growth. Applying all of these tips will help you get better results from your treatment and help grow new healthy hair.

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