The day you have waited an entire lifetime for is only just around the corner. The gathering of family, delicious food and drink for everyone to enjoy and most importantly, the next step for you and you another half, what’s not to enjoy. We all want a magical wedding that seems like a scene out of our favourite Disney film, and with the right level of care and attention, this can be achieved with minimal stress. 

The idea of planning a wedding may seem fun at first but when it comes down to it, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. At the end of the day, there are hundreds of decisions to be made, each contributing to that big day that you have always dreamt about. 

In this article, we aim to provide you with a quick 5 step guide to staying organised when planning your wedding. Our goal is to help eliminate the stress of planning a wedding and make the entire experience an enjoyable one. 

Sticking To Tight Deadlines Leading Up To The Big Day

Planning your dream wedding would be easy if there weren’t any time restraints involved. Unfortunately, you need to put a time limit on your wedding plans or they can drag on for years.

One common mistake when planning a wedding is you only look at your chosen date and try and cram in everything before. Instead, break up your time into weekly deadlines. This will help break up those big decisions and allow you to hit milestones every step of the way. 

Keeping A Clear Paper Trail of All Activity

There are so many aspects involved with planning a wedding that it’s important that you create a clear paper trail of everything agreed. A great way to do this is making sure everything is conformed in paper copy or even email. This means you always have documentation to fall back on when you forget those finner details that you rely on to make the wedding special. 

Only Use One Email Account When Planning

Wedding planning is a team effort, it’s you and your partner against one of the biggest events in your entire life. Whilst this is great in so many ways you also need to remember that this can get confusing if you are not properly organised.

By splitting the tasks between yourselves you may find that you are losing important emails and details which could lead to a whole range of problems down the road. By sticking to one email account, finding all of your emails will be straightforward. 

Prioritising Those Big Decisions Before There To Late 

Everyone loves to spend time planning those finer details such as flower arrangement, what wedding linen direct supplier to get, and what seating plan but it’s crucial that your priorities are the bigger decisions first.

Don’t worry, the time will come when you can spend some time planning where the inlaws will be sitting but putting decisions like the wedding venue first can help take away huge amounts of stress. Additionally, your wedding venue in Northumberland, catering options and music choices can have huge waitlists so it’s good to get these decisions on the way early on.

Sticking To A Budget Every Step of The Way 

A budget is an extremely important aspect of any wedding. Unfortunately, not everyone has infinite amounts of money to spend on their wedding, let’s just save that for reality television programs. By careful allocating your budget out to the different aspects of the wedding, you can keep better track of your spending and avoid any surprises when it comes to paying the invoices. 

Well, there you have it, quick and easy tips which will hopefully make planning your dream wedding that much easier. 

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