When you walk into a store, the first thing that catches your eye is the beer label. A well-designed beer label can draw you in and make you curious about what’s inside the bottle. On the flip side, a poorly designed label can make you overlook a great beer.

Investing in high-quality beer bottle labels is crucial for breweries, especially craft brewers. A striking label helps your beer stand out on the shelf and communicates your brand’s story and quality to potential customers.

In this article, we present five practical tips for designing superior beer labels. These insights are designed to assist you in creating labels that not only exude visual appeal but also makes a connection with your target audience.

Let’s get started!

Top 5 Tips for Designing a Better Beer Bottle Label

Tip 1: Understand Your Brand Identity

Before you start designing your beer label, it’s necessary to clearly understand what your brand stands for.

Ask yourself questions like, “What makes my beer special?” and “What kind of image do I want to project?”

This identity will guide your design choices and make sure your label reflects the unique personality of your beer.

Brand Story

Every brand has a story, and sharing this story on your beer label can help strengthen your connection with customers.

Whether it’s your brewery’s history, the inspiration behind your beer, or the people who make it all happen, incorporating elements of your story into the label design can make your beer more relatable and memorable.

Tip 2: Choose the Right Colors and Typography

Colour Psychology:

Colours can greatly impact how people feel and what they think about your beer. For example, blue can feel calm and trustworthy, while red can feel exciting and bold. Think about the emotions you want your beer to evoke and choose colours that match those feelings.


Your fonts should match your brand’s personality. For example, a traditional font might suit a classic beer, while a modern font could be great for a trendy new brew. Make sure the fonts are easy to read so customers can quickly understand what your beer is all about.

Contrast and Readability:

Use high contrast between your text and background colours to make the words stand out. Avoid more than two different fonts or making the text too minute. This way, customers can easily read your product’s name, type of beer, and other important information.

Tip 3:  Highlight Key Information

When designing your beer label, make sure to include all the important information customers need to know. This includes:

  • Beer Name: The name of your beer.
  • Type of Beer: What kind of beer is it (e.g., IPA, Stout, Lager)?
  • Alcohol Content: The alcohol percentage present in the beer.
  • Brewery Name: The name of your brewery.

Legal Requirements:

In Australia, there are certain rules you must follow when labelling your beer. These can include listing the alcohol content, including health warnings, and making sure all the information is accurate and truthful. Check local regulations to ensure your label meets all legal requirements.

Tip 4: Use High-Quality Graphics and Imagery

A well-designed label with sharp, vibrant visuals can catch a customer’s eye and make them interested in your beer. Poor-quality images can have the opposite effect, making your product look less appealing.

Original Artwork:

Using original artwork or unique illustrations can help your beer bottle label stand out from the crowd. Custom designs give your label a distinctive look that reflects your brand’s personality and creativity. This uniqueness can make your beer more memorable to customers.

Professional Design:

Consider working with a professional label designer to create your beer label. Professionals have the skills and experience to design a polished and attractive label. They can help you choose the right colours, images, and fonts to create a cohesive and eye-catching design.

Tip 5. Consider the Material and Printing Quality

When choosing materials for your beer labels, you have several options:

  • Paper: Common and cost-effective, but can be easily damaged by moisture.
  • Vinyl: More durable and resistant to water, but can be more expensive.

Each material has its benefits and drawbacks, so choose the one that fits your requirement and budget.


It’s important to select materials that can handle different conditions. Your beer bottle labels must stay intact and look good in various environments, such as in the fridge or a cooler. Durable materials ensure your labels remain attractive and readable, regardless of where your beer ends.

Printing Techniques:

Different printing techniques can make your labels look more professional and appealing:

  • Digital Printing: Great for high-quality images and small batches.
  • Offset Printing: Ideal for large quantities with precise colours.
  • Embossing/Debossing: Adds texture and a premium feel to your label.

Choosing the right printing technique can enhance your label’s appearance and make it stand out on the shelf.

Final Words

Designing a great beer bottle label is important in making your beer stand out. By understanding your brand identity, choosing the right colours and fonts, highlighting key information, using high-quality graphics, and selecting durable materials, you can create a label that attracts customers and tells your brand’s story.

Now that you have these tips, it’s time to start designing your own beer labels. Use these guidelines to create labels that look great and connect with your customers.

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