How worried should you be about cybercriminals targeting your company? Even if you run a small business, you’re at risk of attack. Small businesses are actually targeted by cybercriminals three times more often than large companies. You need a comprehensive security solution to protect your company and the sensitive data it possesses.

Extended detection and response (XDR) security is a new, more comprehensive approach to cybersecurity that provides protection for your entire network and any devices on it, not just specific endpoint solutions. It can help you monitor for familiar and emerging threats, and it can automatically act to neutralize them before your data is compromised. With machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) functionality, XDR security tools can even analyze new threats and learn how to respond to them better in the future. Here’s why you should keep your data safe with XDR cyber security tools.

You Can Save Time and Money

As a small business owner, you have to seize any opportunity to save money, and a good XDR cyber security tool can actually help you cut costs. It has a lower cost of ownership than many other cyber security tools for businesses, because it has one dashboard and it maintains threat analysis to help it learn to respond to new threats.

You can also use XDR cyber security solutions to automate many security processes. There are plenty of mundane, repetitive, even boring tasks that have to be done to protect your network from cyber attacks, and using XDR to handle these tasks can be a win for your security staff (if you have one). They’ll enjoy their jobs more because they won’t have to be handling these mundane tasks, so they’ll have higher job satisfaction. They’ll spend less work on repetitive tasks that can be automated so they can focus on stuff that only human beings can do. You’ll save money because you’ll need fewer staff to handle your cyber security, and they’ll be working more efficiently.

You Can Integrate Security Across Your Network

One of the problems with traditional network security is that it simply does not provide the connectivity you need to face today’s threats. XDR cyber security tools collect data from across your network, analyzing endpoints, emails, network traffic, applications, and firewalls to paint a context-rich picture of your security landscape. This allows your cyber security team to quickly identify threats and act on them. And because XDR solutions bring all this data together into one unified presentation, you will always get the full picture of what’s going on with your organization’s cyber security across the entire network. It will all be at your fingertips.

XDR Cyber Security Is Comprehensive

Endpoint cyber security solutions have a major flaw. They only secure the endpoints on your network – that is, the computers, servers, tablets, and smartphones that you and your employees use to connect to the network. That leaves a lot of room for vulnerability. Your network traffic is unprotected, your emails are unprotected, and your applications are unprotected. All of these contain vulnerabilities that could let hackers gain access to your network. Email is especially vulnerable – phishing attacks remain one of the most common threats to small businesses.

XDR cyber security provides comprehensive security that protects not only your endpoints but your entire network. It will monitor your emails for threats, as well as protecting your applications, all your network traffic, and your endpoints. No stone will be left unturned when it comes to your network and endpoint security.

You Can Get by with Fewer Cyber Security Staff

Could XDR cyber security allow you to maintain the same level of cyber security in your organization with fewer cyber security staff? Yes, maybe it can. You might even get a higher level of cyber security with fewer staff. That’s because XDR cyber security solutions allow you to automate many cyber security processes so there will simply be less work for staff to do. It has a much more manageable operating cost than most other enterprise cyber security solutions, including endpoint protection.

Do you need a new tool to keep your company data safe? Are you worried about cyber attackers targeting your network and the devices that use it? You need to deploy an XDR cyber security solution. XDR provides a new, more comprehensive, and more cost-effective way to protect your company network from cyber criminals. Don’t let your company go without full protection any longer. Sign up for managed XDR protection today.

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