Eczema is a common skin disorder with itching, inflammation, and redness of the skin. This chronic disorder can affect anyone at any age, and it generally shows up in babies in infancy or early childhood. The severity of eczema or atopic dermatitis varies, and there is a flare-up of symptoms time and again.

Eczema or atopic dermatitis shows up as:

  • itchy skin
  • Crusting, oozing, and skin thickening
  • dry and scratchy skin that can lead to skin infections if scratches are deep
  • skin can inflame and become swollen and red if symptoms worsen

Triggers of eczema:

  • The exact reasons behind this skin condition are not known, but eczema is influenced both by genes and the environment. Eczema has a genetic predisposition and may be hereditary. People in the same family are known to complain of the symptoms of this disease. Also, those with a family history of asthma and allergies are said to be potential eczema patients. The probability is high!
  • People suffering from asthma and allergies face a higher risk of eczema.
  • Chemicals such as solvents, detergents, harsh soaps, and strong shampoos also irritate the skin in some people, causing eczema.
  • Allergens like dust mites, pollen, and pet dander aggravate eczema symptoms.
  • Excessive sweating can cause eczema and rash flare-ups.
  • Specific food allergens in different foods.
  • Stress and duress can lead to the appearance or aggravation of eczema symptoms.
  • Bacterial overgrowth accompanied by a dysfunctional skin microbiome needs attention. One out of ten people are said to suffer from this skin condition in their lifetime. Almost 25% of the baby population develop eczema, and nearly 2 to 3% of people end up at the dermatologist’s doorstep with symptoms of this skin disease.
  • The natural, unique microbiome of the skin keeps it healthy and clear. But, when this microbiome becomes dysfunctional, the growth of bacteria such as Staph Aureus goes out of hand. These bacteria start making colonies and take over the healthy skin, causing eczema.
  • A leaky skin barrier or a leaky gut leads to the travel of foreign food matter, bacteria, and viruses into the skin. These substances reach into the blood by crossing the skin barrier and are responsible for causing allergies and immune dysfunction. Moreover, people have different systems depending on their ethnicity and age. Hence, some therapies suit some, whereas others don’t. It is naturopathy and healing herbs that can bring about a change in the skin condition.
  • Filaggrin:The skin has a protein called Filaggrin that acts as a skin barrier, and it is responsible for controlling the skin’s health. People suffering from eczema have less Filaggrin. Thus, their skins become dry and cracked. Through these cracks, foreign materials and bacteria can enter through the skin barrier. The natural moisturizing factors are made from this protein, and they help maintain skin health.
  • Infants lack natural moisturizing factors and the most dominant areas are the cheeks. Also, cheeks get covered by saliva and food, leading to rashes and redness. Growth ofStaphylococcus Aureus in the armpits and knees is widespread in kids and adults. When this bacterial growth flares up and gets out of control, it leads to the onset of eczema. Thus, it is imperative to moisturize the skin.
  • Very cold or hot weather conditions

What is the best treatment for eczema? 

There are various treatments available for treating eczema, but what is the best way and “how to treat eczema” so that it provides relief from the itchy feeling? 

Alternative treatment and functional dermatology:

Atopic dermatitis can disrupt sleep, but it responds very well to alternative treatments.

Many people opt for biologics, steroids, and antibiotics to treat eczema, and this does help curb symptoms to a certain extent, but they may come back. Naturopathy and functional dermatology treat the body holistically and help treat the skin disorder from deep within, bringing relief and comfort.

Moisturizing to increase natural moisturizing factors:

The best way is to use natural moisturizing factors to improve the skin’s hydration and to keep it protected and smooth. The extra hydration will make sure the skin becomes soft and free from eczema symptoms.

Usually, eczema predominantly occurs in childhood, and then the symptoms fade away. But, eczema symptoms arise in adults and adolescents too. If the skin is agitated, the patient cannot resist the strong urge to itch and scratch, worsening the situation, especially at night time. There are common notable triggers that worsen symptoms and flare up the situation, according to the medical fraternity.

You need to understand that eczema flares up in dry, cold weather because of excessive dryness. So try to avoid frequent washing with harsh soaps. You also need to try and avoid irritants and chemical-laden products on the skin and protect it from allergens and infections.

Eczema needs to be treated from deep within with naturopathy, supplements, and a healthy recommended diet. Certain foods aggravate the skin condition, and a trained dermatologist can help you make the right choice. At the same time, botanical topical treatments to reduce swelling are also essential. Thus, a customized and personalized treatment plan is prepared for each patient.

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