The Seven Deadly Sins or Nanatsu no Taizai is a Japanese anime manga series that tells a story about adventure and fantasy.
The manga series was illustrated and written by Nakaba Suzuki, published by Kodansha, and serialized by the Weekly Shonen Magazine. Its manga original run was from August 2014 to October 2016, with a total of 41 volumes.
The anime television series was directed by Tensai Okamura and written by Shotaro Suga. It was created by A-1 Picture Studio, released by the JNN network, and aired on Funimation, Muse Communication, and Netflix. Its original run was from October 2014 to March 2015, with a total of 24 episodes and 2 Original Video animations.
The anime is set in a European Middle Age time and setting where there are kingdoms and knights. The Seven Deadly Sins is a group of knights from the Liones Kingdom in the land called Britannia. The group was disbanded ten years into the story for being falsely charged with a plot against the kingdom. Their subjects, the Holy Knights assisted in their capture before the rebellion.
It follows the story of Elizabeth, the third princess of Liones KIngdom, as she went off on a journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins leader, Meliodas. They would then begin a search out for the other members of the group and go back to the Kingdom to redeem their reputation and clear their names.
Little did they know that the Holy Knights were tricked and manipulated by Fraudrin, a demon who is tasked to unseal the Demon Race from prison. The seven deadly sins are set to fight the ‘Ten Commandments’, demon generals led by Meliodia’s brother, Zeldris. It was then revealed that Melodias was the son of the cursed Demon King whose destiny is tied up with Elizabeth’s.
Early Seasons Recap
Let us have a brief recap on the early seasons of the anime to give us a better understanding of the story plot and what to expect in season 5.
During the first season, Elizabeth went on a journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins, to help rescue her father, the king, and the royal family from imprisonment by the Holy Knights.
In the second season, Fraudrin continues to attack Melodias but has failed all the time. The other members of the Seven Deadly Sins have felt their Captains is somewhat behaving odd and should unlikely have killed Fraudrin. The other members of the Ten Commandments finally took over Camelot.
In the third season, Drole and Gloxinia displayed their power against Diane and King and have fought equally. The humans that they have saved from the Demon Clan had teamed up with the Seven Deadly Sins to fight in the Holy War. They were led by Rou, a man that resembles Ban.
In the fourth season, The Seven Deadly Sins have reunited and completed once again to fight the Ten Commandments. The season ended with Melodias slowly transforming into the Demon King. While in purgatory, his emotions became a physical apparition in front of him, but Melodias is focused to fight his way back to his friends.
TSDS Season 5: Plot
The fifth season of The Seven Deadly Sins will pick up from where season four has ended.
It will most likely cover the remaining chapters of the manga series and that is a total of 79 chapters. Although, there are still a lot of stories that need to be untangled in the season.
The story will focus on the progress of the Holy War, as the Humans, Fairy, Giants, and Goddess Clans will be joining forces to defeat the Demon Clan. While Estarossa kidnapped princess Elizabeth, the task fell onto the new allied forces to save her.
Many will expect that the story of the Love Commandment will be given details.
Ban is committed to searching for the real Melodias in the land of Purgatory to bring him back to Britannia. Ban and Meliodas are the only members of the Seven Deadly Sins who can enter and survive purgatory.
The giant egg that contains the body of Meliodas is waiting to hatch a new and stronger form of character. As he soon wakes up to take the strength of the new Demon King of the Demon Clan.
Though the animation story is still in progress, fans and viewers are always excited to see the outcome of the action, adventure, and fantasy-packed story of the Seven Deadly Sins.
TSDS Season 5: Cast & Crew
The series has evolved several times as the season progressed and we can expect new characters as the story continues.
The main characters of the story are Melodias who is voiced by Yuki Kaji, Elizabeth who is voiced by Sora Amamiya, and Hawk who is voiced by Misaki Kuno.
Supporting characters from the main group are the Seven Deadly Sins members known as Diane, Ban, King, Gowther, Merlin, and Escanor. Characters from the Demon Clan are the Demon King and the Ten Commandments who are Zeldris, Fraudrin, Estarossa, Galand, Monspeet, Derieri, Melascula, Drole, Grayroad, Gloxinia, and Gowther of Selflessness.
Other supporting characters involve people and warriors from the Liones Kingdom, Original Demons, and Lower Class Demons.
TSDS Season 5: Release Date
The Seven Deadly Sins Season 5 is titled ‘Fundo no Shinpan’ or ‘Judgement of Fury / Dragon’s Judgement’.
Because of the ongoing pandemic of the COVID-19, season 5 was released initially in October of 2020 but has been delayed. The first episode of the season was aired in January 2021 and the last season episode will be in May 2021.
TSDS Season 5: Movie Trailer
The fifth season of The Seven Deadly Sins, was aired earlier than the release of the season and episodes. A teaser trailer was released in March 2020.
The official trailer was released at the end of 2020, a month before the first episode was aired.
You can check on the trailer for the season and episodes on social media, multimedia websites, and entertainment platforms.