Signs He Doesn’t Want a Relationship With You: What to Look For

No one ever said that relationships were easy. You can even notice signs he doesn’t want a relationship at times. According to Pew Research Center, approximately 15% of Americans are dating, and around 67% experience negative emotions equally when thinking about their relationships.

One of the most challenging aspects of a relationship is figuring out where you stand with your partner. Are they interested in a committed relationship with you, or are they just stringing you along?

If you’re questioning whether or not your partner wants a relationship with you, there are some key signs to look for. Unfortunately, many people don’t know the characteristic of an unhealthy relationship, so they continue dating someone who isn’t right for them. We’ll help you to fix the issue.

5 Signs He Doesn T Want You

Am I good enough?

This is a common question we ask ourselves when we’re not quite sure where we stand with someone. Of course, it’s expected to look for clarity in a relationship, but sometimes you must be willing to see the signs right in front of your face.  Here are five other signs he’s not in love with you.

He Never Takes You Out in Public

Being in a committed relationship means being proud to show your partner off to the world. Suppose your guy always seems to make excuses for why you can never go to his place or meet up in public. In that case, it might be one of the signs he doesn t want you as a romantic partner. He might be embarrassed by you or afraid that his friends will judge him.

Either way, it’s not a good sign. If he’s not willing to introduce you to his friends or family, it might be because he’s not ready to commit to you fully. He might also keep you a secret because he knows they would disapprove of the relationship.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to discuss where the relationship is going and what each of you wants. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a serious relationship; you deserve to be with someone on the same page.

He Never Wants to Spend Time With You

This is one of the evident signs he doesn t want to be with you. If the guy you’re seeing always has an excuse for why he can’t spend time with you, it’s probably because he doesn’t want to. He may give you the occasional crumb of attention, but overall he keeps his distance.

Suppose you’re always initiating plans, and he never seems to put in any effort. In that case, likely, he doesn’t see you as a priority in his life. He’s probably not interested in taking things to the next level. Ask yourself:

-Is he really busy with work?

-Has he ever introduced you to his friends or family?

-Do you feel like he’s always doing all the work in the relationship?

He Rides You on Emotional Rollercoaster

One of the signs he doesn’t want a relationship is when your partner’s emotions are all over the place. They can go from happy to sad to angry in a matter of minutes, and it’s always hard to predict how they will act or feel. Suppose you’re constantly walking on eggshells around them, afraid of setting them off. In that case, it’s a sign that they’re not stable enough for a healthy relationship described here.

His emotional instability isn’t necessarily his fault. It could be due to unresolved trauma from his past or undiagnosed mental illness. Consequences of an unbalanced relationship can be:

– feeling like you’re walking on eggshells

– never knowing how your partner is going to act

– feeling like you’re not good enough for them

– feeling unimportant or invisible

– feeling drained from always having to be the strong one.

He Doesn’t Make Any Plans With You

What are the other signs he doesn’t want a relationship with you?Suppose the guy you’re dating is always making excuses for why he can’t spend time with you. In that case, it’s probably because he isn’t interested in anything serious. He may give you the odd text or call, but overall he keeps his distance. This is a sign that he’s not interested in a committed relationship.

If you’re always the one initiating plans and he never seems to put in any effort, likely, he doesn’t see you as a long-term partner. He may enjoy your company, but he isn’t looking for anything serious. If you’re looking for a committed relationship, it’s best to move on and find someone who is on the same page as you.

He Avoids the Topic of Relationship

It can be frustrating if you’ve been dating him for a while and you’re ready to take things to the next level, but he shows the signs he doesn t want you. Sometimes people are afraid of commitment or unsure if they’re ready for a relationship.

Suppose you bring up the topic of getting serious and they change the subject or avoid it altogether. In that case, it’s probably a sign they’re not interested in taking things to the next level. For example, they might say, “I’m not ready for a relationship right now,” or “I don’t want to ruin what we have”. You can read here about the meaning of his words.

If they’re not interested in taking things further, they’ll make it clear by their actions and words. If you’re interested in a committed relationship and they’re not, it might be time to move on.

How To Move On from a Guy Who Doesn’t Want a Relationship With You

It hurts when you want a relationship with someone who doesn’t want the same thing and signs he doesn’t want a relationship with you. Maybe you’ve been dating for a while, or perhaps you just met. Either way, it’s not easy to be rejected by someone you care for. If you’re wondering how to move on from a guy who doesn’t want a relationship with you, here are some things to keep in mind.

First, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Relationship expert April Masini says, “It’s easy to become obsessed with being in a relationship when you’re single and looking. But, unfortunately, the media tells us that this is what we’re supposed to be doing — with our time, energy, and lives.” So if you’re feeling down because a guy doesn’t want a relationship with you, know that you’re not the only one.

Second, try to focus on the positive aspects of your life. This cannot be easy, but it’s important to remember that other things in your life are good. Maybe you have great friends, a great job, or a hobby that you love. Whatever it is, try to focus on those things and remind yourself that not having a relationship doesn’t mean your life is bad.

Finally, don’t hesitate to seek help if you’re feeling down about the situation. If you need someone to talk to, plenty of people can help. Whether it’s a therapist, a friend, or a family member, talking to someone can help you feel better and get through this tough time. Family therapist Jill Whitney agrees, saying, “If you’re feeling like you can’t handle it on your own, please please please reach out for help.” No one should have to go through this alone.


He doesn’t want a relationship with you if he’s not ready for one. Hollywood movies and pop songs tell us that we just need to wait around for the man of our dreams to finally wake up and realize that we’re perfect for each other. In reality, though, this often isn’t the case.

Suppose the man you’re interested in has been sending you mixed signals or outright telling you that he’s not ready for a relationship. In that case, it might be time to move on. There is plenty of fish in the sea, and someone out there will be thrilled to have a relationship with you. Don’t waste your time chasing after someone who doesn’t want the same thing as you do.


Q: How Can I Tell if He’s Just Not That Into Me?

A: If you’re wondering whether or not a guy is interested in you, the best way to know for sure is to ask him directly. However, signs he doesn’t want anything with you may give you a clue.

For instance, does he always seem busy when you try to make plans? Does he avoid talking about the future? Or does he never introduce you to his friends and family?

Q: Can I Fix It if He’s Not Interested?

A: Not usually. If a guy isn’t interested in you, you’ll not likely be able to change his mind. The best thing you can do is move on and find someone who is interested in being with you.

Q: Why Would He Lead Me on if He Wasn’t Interested?

A: There could be a few reasons a guy would lead you on even though he’s not interested in you. Maybe he likes the attention, or he’s afraid of rejection, so he’d instead string you along than risk being rejected outright.

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