“In a cool solitude of a tree, where leaves and birds a music spin, mind that was weary is at ease, new rhythms in the soul begin” -William Kean Seymour.

With the everyday hustle and bustle of life, one can easily forget to appreciate life’s simple pleasures.

On top of that, we have plenty of responsibilities and too many opportunities that, somehow, some of us have forgotten to realize our true capabilities and potential. That said, many of us can no longer imagine living in a world without relying on the convenience of technology. Indeed, plenty of us has become reliant on it, that along the way we have forgotten what it is to live a life without it.

While life completely devoid of technology may be unimaginable, going without it for days at a time can be beneficial. More importantly, it teaches you a lot about life and yourself. So, how do you live a life without technology? For starters, you can go on a weekend camping excursion. Pack your things up, load them in the car, and get to your destination. With so many campsites near Manila and campsites in Rizal, you do not even need to go far.

So, what are some of the lessons you can learn from camping? Read on below to find out.

1.) Give up on technology

As said above, most of us have become so reliant on technology considering the conveniences it affords us. Undeniably, it makes everything easier and faster. When you are camping, however, you get to appreciate the simple joys of life sans the weight of technological advances. Being amid fresh air and natural greenery allows you to unplug and take a break from a buzzing phone. This is not an opportunity you can enjoy every day, so why not give yourself a break from all of it once in a while?

2.) Living on basics

Wish to binge on all your favorite TV series with freshly popped popcorn? Well, when you are camping, such luxuries need to take a backseat for a while, which may make you appreciate them better when you come back from your trip. On the other hand, you may learn to enjoy living on just the basics. As a result, you will soon realize that life can be lived even with just basic necessities that you would not even realize you are missing some of the fancier and finer things in life.

3.) Experiencing nature as it is

Living in busy metropolitan cities has rendered us impervious to natural wonders. That said, we have become accustomed to the absence of greenery. When we camp, however, we get to wake up to the sounds of birds chirping, beautiful sunrises, and the fragrance of flowers. So, if you genuinely wish to experience a life-changing and eternal moment, go camping. Live with nature, inhale the fresh air, and take in the natural beauty of mother nature.

4.) Hard work pays off

Any seasoned camper will tell you that camping can be quite exhausting. Sure, it is an opportunity to unwind and relax, but that does not mean that hard work is not involved. Planning your itinerary, choosing a campsite, setting up the tent, collecting wood for a campfire, looking for freshwater, preparing and cooking food—there are so many things you can do. Without doing any of these, camping can be quite a nightmare. However, if properly planned and executed, it gives you the humbling realization that you are capable of doing hard work. These days, hard work has become so rare as it is often overlooked, considering most of us enjoy the luxury of a metropolitan lifestyle.

5.) Developing Trust

As a child, we were taught not to trust strangers or even speak to them. However, this is not necessarily true when camping. When you camp and face a rather distressing problem, a stranger who eagerly lends you a hand may just be the friend you will need. In fact, camping allows you to meet various people from different backgrounds who will share stories about themselves. Such friendship may just stand the test of time and may exist beyond social media. When you camp, you may just find lifelong friends.

6.) Teamwork is important

While you can camp alone, it is so much easier to camp with companions. Keep in mind that camping is an outdoor excursion that requires planning and effort to execute successfully. That said, teamwork is essential. Even when you intend to camp alone, do not hesitate to team up with people you recently met and help each other out.

7.) Discover more about yourself

Camping may be an opportunity for relaxation, but you do not simply enjoy a vacation through it. After all, camping is an excellent escape that gives you the time and space to take time to think. While many may believe that the slow-paced life during camping can render one bored, it actually allows you to discover more about yourself. It makes you realize who you indeed are and may even give you the chance to see what your true passion for life is.

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