Are you dissatisfied with the function or aesthetics of your nose? Perhaps you suffer from poor breathing issues or other health concerns?

You may scoff at rhinoplasty or septoplasty to correct these issues, but it’s starting to become a more common and accessible practice.

The cosmetic surgery market is expected to reach $66 billion by the end of 2026. But, there are a few differences between rhinoplasty vs septoplasty. This short guide will showcase these differences so you can feel more comfortable with these procedures.

Rhinoplasty Surgery

Both septoplasty and rhinoplasty target the aesthetic and functional uses of the nose. But, both procedures have different objectives when approaching these issues.

What is rhinoplasty? Well, there are many different types of rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty is commonly referred to as a “nose job”. This surgical procedure focuses on the external aesthetics of the nose. It aims to shape the nose to the patient’s liking.

Defining the shape can include reworking the nose to correct symmetry and nasal size. This involves aesthetic alterations such as a nasal hump, a bridge depression, and a wide or droopy nasal tip.

Rhinoplasty is an effective means of defining the nose without needing a complete nose correction to help health concerns. Rhinoplasty surgery costs can also vary depending on the circumstances.

Patients can choose to have an open or closed procedure. An open procedure will include scarring. The columella, an area on the central anteroinferior portion of the nose, will bear a scar. This scar will heal in a short amount of time.

Patients have more limitations with closed procedures. But rhinoplasty surgeons do not always require external incisions. You can learn more about revision rhinoplasty with Dr. Kimberly Lee.

Septoplasty Surgery

What is septoplasty? The septoplasty procedure concentrates on nasal issues that affect the overall health of the patient. These are functional matters that can disrupt breathing or create blockages that can infect the sinuses.

In one instance, an injury may cause a deviated septum. Victims of these incidents are great candidates for septoplasty. Individuals may also have crooked or deviated septums at birth.

In these instances, this procedure can correct the septum allowing an individual to breathe freely without nasal blockades. Any individual that encounters a blockage in one nasal passage should consider this procedure.

Like a rhinoplasty, septoplasty can offer open or closed procedure options. But, this is dependent on the severity of the case and deviation. In a closed procedure, doctors make small incisions on the mucosa, these are small areas within the inner furrows of the nose.

This can allow doctors to gain access to and manipulate the nasal bone and cartilage. Depending on the shape of the nose, doctors may need to trim down or completely remove the septum.

Rhinoplasty Vs Septoplasty

It is always important to consult with your doctor before scheduling these procedures. If you have health concerns that bruise your health or disrupt your sleep, these procedures can help you recover in no time.

The surgery time and outpatient process depend on the complexity of the issue. Most patients are in-and-out and make full recoveries within 6 to 12 months.

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