Were you referred to a neurology doctor in Singapore but you feel confused about what part of the body they actually treat? First things first, a visit to the neurology doctor may be warranted for reasons that tie to the nervous system.

Learn more about the experience and qualifications of your neurology doctor in Singapore on this page: https://chouneurosurgery.com/about/. Now, the typical symptoms that may prompt your doctor to refer you to, or recommend a visit to a neurology doctor include chronic headaches, dizziness, or numbness.

This is important as these symptoms are often triggered by conditions like epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease which usually require neurological expertise. In this article, we will explore the specific parts of the body that your neurology doctor can help you treat. Keep reading!

What Part of the Body does a Neurologist Treat?

Neurologists understand not just the structure of the nervous system. They also understand its function and various illnesses that may impact it. Their expertise extends to being able to recognize and diagnose a wide range of conditions that can affect the nervous system. That said, here are five key body parts that a neurologist treats;

  • Brain
  • Spinal Cord
  • Peripheral Nerves
  • Autonomic Nervous System
  • Muscles

      I.           The Brain

The role of the brain is to oversee vital functions and processes in the body. It manages thoughts, emotions, movement, and coordination. Memory, speech, and sensory perception are also managed by the brain. Many people who visit our clinic after being diagnosed with issues of the brain ask; what does a neurologist do for the brain?

Here’s the answer; neurologists specialize in treating conditions that affect the brain’s functions and the nervous system. So, they address various neurological disorders like epilepsy, which causes seizures, multiple sclerosis which impacts nerve function, and Parkinson’s disease which affects movement.

Chronic headaches, migraines, or dizziness can signal neurological issues too. Traumatic brain injuries, strokes that affect blood flow to the brain, or tumors impacting brain function are also within their expertise.

    II.           The Spinal Cord

Running from the brain through the spine, the spinal cord is a crucial part of our nervous system. It acts as a communication highway that transmits important messages between the brain and the body, and in the process helps in the control of movement, sensation, and bodily functions like breathing. Many people also ask, what does a neurologist have to do with the spine?

Now, neurologists specialize in treating various conditions that affect the spinal cord. Think of injuries like spinal cord trauma from accidents that can lead to paralysis or loss of sensation and disorders like spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal) or herniated discs which can cause pain and affect mobility.

Also, neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis, spinal tumors, or infections may affect the spinal cord. For expert management, these conditions often require the evaluation and treatment by a neurologist.

 III.           Peripheral Nerves

Peripheral nerves are a network of nerves that spread throughout the body. They connect the brain and spinal cord to muscles, skin, and internal organs. Their role is to transmit signals which enable sensations like touch, pain, and temperature.

These signals also control muscle movements. Neurologists treat complications that affect the peripheral nerves like peripheral neuropathy which is a common condition which causes numbness, tingling, or weakness due to nerve damage.

Your neurology doctor in Singapore can also help improve your quality of life if you struggle with disorders like Guillain-Barré syndrome. This disorder impacts the function of the peripheral nerves and may cause muscle weakness and paralysis.

There is also the carpal tunnel syndrome, entrapment of the median nerve in the wrist which causes hand weakness and numbness. A skilled neurology doctor in Singapore cannot only help you diagnose these conditions but also manage them to alleviate symptoms and improve nerve function.

 IV.           Autonomic Nervous System

The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) manages involuntary bodily functions like the heartbeat, digestion, and breathing. It consists of sympathetic (activates responses) and parasympathetic (relaxes responses) branches. The ANS regulates vital processes and adjusts body functions in response to stress, rest, or emergencies to maintain internal balance.

Neurologists often treat conditions that impact the ANS, like autonomic dysfunction. They also help with disorders like the dysautonomia which can cause irregularities in blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion and orthostatic hypotension which causes dizziness upon standing.

Your neurology doctor in Singapore can also help with Neurological disorders, including Parkinson’s disease or multiple system atrophy which affect the ANS and cause symptoms like fluctuations in blood pressure and impaired bodily functions.

    V.           Muscles

Muscles are essential tissues in the body responsible for movement, supporting posture, and enabling bodily functions. They come in three types: skeletal (voluntary movement), smooth (involuntary movements like digestion), and cardiac (heart muscles). The roles of muscles involve voluntary actions like walking or lifting objects, as well as involuntary functions like heartbeat or breathing.

Neurologists treat a wide range of muscle-related conditions which may include muscular dystrophy, where muscles weaken progressively, myasthenia gravis causing muscle weakness and fatigue, or neuropathy impacting nerve signals to muscles.

Your neurology doctor in Singapore can also help with disorders like ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) which affects motor neurons controlling muscles. So, you can count on them to not only diagnose but also manage these conditions, and provide treatments to improve muscle function, alleviate symptoms, and enhance your quality of life.

In Closing, How to Choose the Best Neurologist in Singapore

Selecting the right neurology doctor involves considering several key factors. One of these is education and training. Check to ensure that your neurology doctor in Singapore has the necessary qualifications to diagnose and treat your condition effectively.

Importantly, they should be board-certified as this is the most solid proof of their proficiency and adherence to high standards in the field. Experience matters too, so inquire about their track record in treating similar conditions.

And, don’t forget about proximity. A conveniently located neurologist facilitates regular visits without hassle. Wrap all that by verifying insurance coverage to avoid unexpected expenses.

To speed up your search, call or visit the Chou Neuroscience Clinic to schedule an appointment with a specialist. They will not only assess but also recommend a tailored treatment program depending on your treatment needs. Call or visit the Chou Neuroscience Clinic at;

Chou Neuroscience Clinic

1 Farrer Park Station Road

#08-06 Connexion

Singapore 217562

6 Napier Road

#08-08 Gleneagles Medical Centre

Singapore 258499

+65 6694 7942

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