Joshua Kym Whitley is popularly known as the son of an American comedian and actress Kym Elizabeth Whitley. She adopted Joshua Kym Whitley in 2011.
Today, let’s find more information about this little star.
Personal life:
As his birth date is not known till now it is said that he has been commending his birthday on January 9 since the time then. Joshua Kym Whitley is the adopted son of Kym Whitley and Rodney Van Johnson is his adoptive father. His zodiac sign is Capricorn. Kym Whitley was his mentor and later became his mother after Joshua’s mother left him in the hospital with Kym’s phone number. He respects his mother so much and is loved one kid for his mother.
He has been awarded many awards and has given many interviews as well. He is very interested in learning new things and arts and creativity. He loves spending time with his mother. He plays along with his friends. He is very kind and loves meeting new people and exploring new places. He also loves traveling and shops every time he goes out.
Parents and siblings:
As mentioned earlier Joshua Kym Whitley’s parents are Kym Whitley and Rodney Van Johnson who is Kym Whitley’s companion and Joshua’s adoptive father and takes his care so much. He has no siblings as his mother has adopted him only and did not have any child of her own other than him. Her mother takes very good care of him and celebrates every occasion with him. They both love each other very much.
Education a:
There is not much information given about Joshua Whitley’s education but it is known that he must have been in 6th grade this year and his school is not known. But it seems like he is very intelligent and smart and takes his studies very sincerely. He effectively manages his work and studies which shows his sincerity and dedication towards both work and studies.
Reasons for Joshua Whitley’s popularity:
Joshua Whitley is starred alongside her mother Kym whitely in the OWN series Raising Whitley. The series is all about how Kym raised Joshua.
The most important reason for his popularity is his mother Kym Whitley who is an American comedian. He also has devotees on Instagram. His Instagram handle is @joshuawhitley11.Currently Joshua Whitley has 12.2k followers on Instagram. He is been shown active on social media and posts pictures and videos on his Instagram handle.
The net worth of Joshua Whitley:
As of June 2022, It’s been known that Joshua Whitley is the family member of Kym Whitley who has a net worth of $2.5million. As he is just a kid not much information is available about his net worth or salary.
Joshua has been seen in media with his mother and people find him cute. It seems Joshua Whitley is very intelligent and has a very sharp mind. Many articles have been there in the newspaper about him and it’s been written there about his smartness, intelligence, and innocence.