Drifters is an Anime series from Japan that was converted from a Manga Series written and illustrated by Kouta Hirano. The first season was aired from 7 October 2016 to 23 December 2016. The series was very well appreciated by the audience and the audience immediately begins to root for the second season.

The series had a total of 12 episodes which did full justice to the legendary manga they were based on. The story of the series revolves around a group of warriors known as The Drifters. At the center is the protagonist Shimazu Toyohisa.

It all starts when Tiyohisa was in a mortal battle with Li Naomasa and manages to gain the upper hand and injure the opponent badly. Though he was badly wounded and bleeding, he is astonished when he is transported to a corridor of doors when he meets a man with spectacles.

From there, he is sent into a world of mystical creatures and a bloody war between the right and the wrong. There are elves, hobbits, dwarves, and much more and there is the existence of native humans, too. It is there that he meets his fellow Drifters, other warriors who have been transported as well. He learns that there is another faction in the world as well, known as the Ends.

The Ends employs creatures such as Giants, goblins, and dragons, which they use against their enemies or to destroy anyone who tries to stand up in their way. The Ends are tried g to gain control all over the world and the drifters are trying to stop them once and for all.

There is an organization called Octobrists Organisation, who finds and brings solo drifters into their world to unite them and save their world from a horrible end at the hands of the Ends. The Ends, at the beginning of the series, has control over the northern part of the area and are trying to invade the southern part. It becomes Tiyohisa’s journey to save the planet from the Ends and to restore conduct. The series is filled with world-class action sequences and also has an emotional appeal courtesy of the strong characters.

Drifters Season 2 Release Date

Drifters Season 2 Release Date

The first season of Drifters was released in October of 2016 and had a total of 12 episodes. At the end of the season, a second season was teased by the show. The last episode of the series featured a message at the end saying, ‘See you again, Tokyo 20XX’.

This meant that the authors and makers wanted to go ahead with the show. This was very positive news for the fans as they were already rooting and excited for season 2 after they had finished the first. The message also promised that the second season was official as they had put it in the series itself. Also, the second season was officially announced by the studio back in 2016.

After that, three OVA episodes were released in badges as the season 2 episodes. The episodes picked up from where the first season had left. The first was released in December 2017 while the last and 15th episode was released in November 2018. As of now, there has been no news or activity about season 2.

There have been announcements regarding the release date, plotline, or the production of season 2. The studio has simply gone mum about the second season and even after four years of the first season, we are yet to hear Nah news about season 2, even though it was promised to us.

Drifters Season 2 Trailer

After the release of the first season in 2016, the sequel talks were very hot in the audience. The season finale had promised another season and the audience was ready for it. But, since then they haven’t announced or released any news regarding the second season.

There have been three OVA releases but they do not count as the second season. The last release was in 2018. Therefore, there is no trailer available to watch for the second season of Drifters. It will be available as soon as the studio is ready with the second season and put out the news.

Drifters Season 2 Cast

Although season 2 has not been put out and the studio is yet to release any news about the plotline, it is safe to assume that the actors from the first season will be lending their talents for the second season 2. Here is a list of the cast of the first season.

  • Josh Grelle plays Shimazu Toyohisa
  • Justin Briner enacts Nasu no Yoichi
  • Robert McCollum voices Oda Nobunaga
  • Chris Patton voices Abe no Seimei (Haruakira)
  • David Wald plays Murasaki
  • Gwendolyn Lau enacts Olminu
  • Jeremy Schwartz plays Black King
  • Monica Rial voices EASY

Why Haven’t we got the Drifters Season 2 yet?

There can be multiple reasons why we haven’t got the Drifters Season 2 yet. There have been about 4 years since the first season came in and we are not wrong to expect the second season to be out by now.

One of the prominent reasons for the new season not coming out is the lack of content. Drifters was originally a Manga story which was adapted to be a television series. The original has six volumes in total. The first season spans the first four of those volumes.

The remaining two volumes are not enough to play out an entire season. This is one of the main reasons that we haven’t yet got the second season. Also, the OVA episodes covered almost half of the fifth volume, making it only more difficult for the second season.

Will we ever get a Drifters season 2?

After four years of waiting for the second season, you are not to be blamed for asking this question. The good news is that the answer is only positive. The storyline is being written extensively and we know so because another edition was put out in January 2020. This means that the content is being created and the studio will surely make another season as they promised at the end of the first season.

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