Drains help to flume away unwanted water either for reuse or as waste discharge. The drain in a kitchen sink is for the discharging of wastewater. In a swimming pool, the drain helps in recirculating the wastewater.

Drain installation is not an easy task as we have to consider the possibilities of its functional failure and repair before doing that. The requirements for maintenance of the drain should be taken into account. Necessary arrangements should be made towards that before installing a drain.

Drain blockage is one of the most disgusting issues faced in industries, public places, and houses. Blocked drains are usual phenomena in high human activity areas such as sinks, bathrooms, pools, and so on.

It is quite possible to remove minor blocks using a drain cleaner. But when the blockage is major or somewhere inside the drain, it needs a licensed plumber. Blocked drains are problems that should have an immediate remedy as it causes health and safety risk.

It is essential to know where the block is to solve this issue quickly. Here are some signs that you have a blocked drain at your place and some common causes of a blocked drain.


Smell- Foul smell is the first sign that you get if there is a blocked drain in your house. The smell will be as disgusting as that of sewage.

Overflow- If there is a block in the drain, the wastewater has no other place to go, so it overflows. Water spilling back up is not pleasing to the eye.

Sounds- The gurgling sound emerging out of the drain is an indicator that there is a block. The sound comes as a result of water pooling and pushing back against the pipe.

Slow Draining- In blocked drains, the water flow is interrupted, and it slowers the draining process. There will be stagnation of water till the block is removed. The amount of water stagnating increases if the block remains unremoved and results in further blockage.


Napkins- Toiletries like napkins, sanitary pads, and baby wipes cause drain blockage if flushed down the toilet. It is always better to dispose of them through the garbage.

Food Scraps- Food scraps are the common reason why the kitchen sink drain always gets blocked. Be careful not to put food scraps in your sinking, making them reach the drain. They don’t belong there.

Hair- Hair is the most typical and irritating thing that blocks the drain. While taking a shower, your hair falls and reaches the drain; this stops water and soap from draining. It is hard to remove hair from the drain.

Cooking Oil- Cooking oil is a viscous liquid that cannot flow freely, so it clumps on food scraps and blocks the drain.


A blocked drain is a typical household as well as a public issue. There are plenty of reasons why drains block as well as various methods to clear it. Clearing of drainage depends on what caused the blockage.

Home remedies will work for minor blocks, but you will have to seek a plumber if the block is worse. Rather than searching for methods to clean the drain, be careful not to get it blocked further. Consider the signs and get the block removed as earliest as possible.

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