Banana Fish was a manga that began publication in May 1985 and came twice monthly until April 1994. A 20-year-old Japanese anime studio later adapted it into an anime, and it premiered on July 6, 2018. The series contains 24 episodes after its final season ends. We also know Studio MAPPA from popular anime such as Jujutsu Kaisen, which has recently left its mark.
Fans are still curious about the renewal of the anime series precipice. Will there be a rerun, and when will it be released? The first release of the phenomenologist after the famous season finale on December 19, 2018, received many positive reviews from people who have watched it.
The series appeared on Amazon Prime and Amazon Prime Video and has a rating of 8.2 on IMDb has, an above-average score. Let’s recall the story of this series to be part of this mid-year.
The Banana Fish TV series begins with a crime, and the events in the series take place in the United States of America. Farmington Chase is one of the series’ main protagonists, which possesses a remarkably appealing appearance and excellent fighting skills.
Farmington is the captain of the street gang of boys born in New York at age seventeen. Ash’s older brother, Griffin Callenreese, who served in the US military during the Vietnam War in 1973, went mad one night and opened fire on his team. Ash fell due to the words Banana Fish and ended up having to live with Griffin under the care of New York.
Ash’s life took another turn at that moment when a dying man shot him over a flask containing a substance and address in California and told him he “banana fish” to his death. He started looking for the “banana fish” boat with curiosity.
Hopefully, there is a second season, even though this happened to Ash and Professor Hina. Even the writers regret Ash’s death and are upset by this. Why does Ash have such a bitter end?
Wasn’t there quite a lot of blood on Ash’s body after being stabbed? It is absurd to think that Ash’s death could be handled as well as all of this drama. Please take a look at our heroes reunited with Ash.
As of 2016, the studio MAPPA or the producers had not renewed the series for a second season. We’re still featuring the series in it, which started in the 1990s as a manga, and the manga is complete and not ongoing today.
The script does not take the manga series of the 1980s to the 2000s, including developments in mobile phones and the Iraq War, and the installments are modified to incorporate videos and graphics. Of course, the anime is fundamentally a Japanese manga.
However, only 19 volumes of the whole series have been released. It was suggested near the end of the first season, meaning there won’t be a second season of the anime. Five stories could be turned into a new series related to anime.
However, the side stories may not be enough for a second season. It is more expected that the side stories will be released as special episodes instead of a whole new season. If you have any questions about the official news of anime, we will be happy to help.