Do you have a well on your property that you need to have inspected? Maybe you just moved into a new home with an existing well and need to know if the water is pottable? Or perhaps you’re losing pressure in the well and are worried that it’s running dry?

Regardless of why you need a well inspection, you need to hire the right professional for the job. The only question is, how do you find the right well inspector? As a smart homeowner, what do you look for in a contractor?

Not sure how to begin the process? No worries, that’s what we’re here for. Keep reading for everything you need to know about how to choose the best well inspector in your area.

Get Recommendations From Other People in the Area That Have Wells

First, talk to other people in your community who have wells that might be able to provide valuable insight into the subject. Homeowners with residential wells are encouraged to get annual well inspections. If you know someone with a well, odds are they have plenty of experience working with the local well inspectors.

If none of your immediate contacts have information for you, go online and ask your Facebook friends for recommendations. You can also join a community page where you can ask thousands of people from your hometown for suggestions.

Find Out What Type of Services They Offer

Next, whether you’re looking for a well inspector for a residential well or commercial well, find out what services they provide. For example, will they also perform septic tank inspections?

You’ll want your well inspection to also check for:

  • Water pressure
  • Chemicals and bacteria
  • Pump integrity
  • Tank integrity
  • And more

Finally, depending on your needs, it might also be important to ask if the company handles well drilling. If your current well is at the end of its lifespan, you might need a new well drilled.

Look at Customer Reviews

The best residential well inspectors will have a lot of experience in the community. This means they’ll also have a long list of customer reviews. Look at these testimonials to get a better understanding of the contractor’s customer service skills.

Does the contractor perform a thorough well inspection? Does he or she arrive on time? Do their customers recommend their services to other property owners in the area?

Compare Their Costs to Other Well Inspectors

Finally, before settling on a well inspector for your well, ask for a free estimate for their services. Then, compare and contrast their prices with those of their competitors. Using this information, you can find the most affordable option.

However, exercise caution when hiring a low-cost inspector. In many cases, you get what you pay for. The inspector your hire could have limited experience or terrible customer reviews.

Looking for the Best Well Inspector?

If you have questions or concerns about your well, it only makes sense to search for the best well inspector in town. Follow our tips to find the right contractor for your needs. And remember, this doesn’t always mean saving as much money as possible.

And if you’re looking for more homeowner tips or consumer advice, stick around. Our blog is full of helpful articles created to help people like you make good decisions.

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