Are you looking for Australian-made raw BARF dog food? Here are a wide variety of dog food options you can choose from. ‘BARF’ stands for biologically appropriate food – referring to bones and raw food. Today, dog parents are switching to a BARF diet for dogs to maintain the excellent health of their pets. You can begin your pet’s transition to raw food through a slow and gradual process. Currently, raw food for dogs is available in three unique ranges. These rangers have options for different frozen portions – ensuring that serving remains convenient for you.

In case you are wondering if raw food is healthy for your dog? No need to worry; it is very beneficial for pets to consume natural food. However, there are some precautions you must take when buying the food. Pet parents must be mindful of allergies and intolerances and maintain proper hygiene.

Core Range Products

A base range of raw dog food offers a mixture of animal proteins, including a combination of red and white meats. Keeping a variety of foods, in addition to offering a large amount of nutrition, is one of the objectives of this combination. Regardless of the size and age of your dog, this range of raw food is suitable for use with all breeds.

There are currently six delicious flavours of raw dog food in the core range that dogs of all ages can enjoy. It is important to know that these foods are organic and rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are essential for good health for your pet.

Low allergy single protein range

Some dogs are prone to specific food allergies. Recovering from the side effects of these allergies can take a toll on your pet’s health. It is essential to make sure their diet does not consist of any ingredients that are harmful to them. The low allergy range is ideal for dogs who are intolerant to some forms of proteins.

The low allergy single protein range has been crafted only to contain a single species’ bone, meat, and offal. This form of diet is otherwise also known as a single protein diet. Through this product, you can ensure that your pet is not consuming any form of protein it is allergic to. At the same time, they can also enjoy a wide variety of flavours.

Scientific range

Some pets suffer from skin conditions as a result of allergies. These pets are prone to ill-health, and one must monitor their food to ensure the symptoms don’t recur. The scientific range is ideal for your pet if it suffers from skin allergies.

This range of raw food for dogs comes with specific dietary support designed to enhance the health of the liver and kidneys. In addition, this range will also include help in weight loss for your pet.

Once you have decided which range of BARF food for dogs is ideal for your pet, you can slowly introduce your dog to the raw diet over two weeks. Through this slow process, you can minimize the risk of indigestion and give your dog adequate time to adapt.

Providing only 20 percent new food for the first three days is recommended. Gradually, you can increase the ratio of fresh food to old food by 20 percent on typical days. Through this technique, your pet should be comfortable with the new raw food for the first 12 – 14 days. Barf diets for dogs are available at several dog food retailers. The list of producers and sellers is increasing every day.

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