Did you know that the summer of 2020 was ranked one of the hottest on record in the US, with the average temperature countrywide being 74.7 degrees Fahrenheit? That’s 2.6 degrees higher than the average in the 20th Century.

You may not know all these stats specifically, but you do know this: it was hot this summer. So hot, that you’re now considering getting energy efficient replacement windows.

Whether it’s because you suffered from the heat, or you spent way too much on AC, you know something has to change. But you also aren’t sure if energy-efficient replacement windows are right for you.

The fact is, they offer many benefits–and especially for anyone who’s living in a warmer climate. Imagine: being comfortable during the next heatwave, saving money, and doing your part in making the planet greener.

Read on to learn more about these benefits.

  • Save on Energy Costs

The best replacement windows for energy efficiency save you a huge amount on energy costs. In fact, losses of temperature through windows that are not energy-efficient leads to American consumers losing around $40 billion each year total, according to the American Energy Innovation Council.

By installing the best energy-efficient replacement windows, you’ll save a ton of money on your cooling costs.

With windows that aren’t energy-efficient, you lose a lot of the cool air you have circulating inside, which means you have to run your AC at a cooler temperature and more often.

Inevitably, this has an impact on your energy costs. By installing replacement windows, you can keep more of that cool air in, driving your energy bills down significantly.

  • Protect Yourself from Heat Waves

Energy-efficient double pane windows are also useful for protecting you from heatwaves. When heat waves are occurring, a lot can go wrong. For example, if your AC breaks down because of overuse, while a heatwave is going on, you’ll be miserable.

Even if your AC breaks down when you have double pane windows (which is unlikely), you’ll suffer less, because more of the leftover cool air will stay in the house for longer. You can stay cooler longer while you wait for the repairman to come by.

There are health hazards when you’re dealing with a heatwave without AC. You might get dehydrated, or your body might get too hot. If you end up with heatstroke, this can be a medical emergency, since it can have lasting damage on your body.

Make a safer choice and buy energy-efficient replacement windows.

  • Keep Your AC United Working Properly

As mentioned, running your AC when there’s a heatwave out there–or because you live in a warmer climate where high temperatures are the norm–can damage your AC units. Running them constantly, at cooler temperatures, can damage them.

Repairs are pricey enough already, with installing a new unit is even more expensive.

Considering that the average price of AC repair is $300, you’re better off investing in energy-efficient windows. They’ll save you money over time.

Additionally, even if you don’t find yourself in a situation where you have to repair your AC unit, it will start to work less well if you make it work too hard.

This means that over time your home will be less cool, and every summer you’ll ask yourself, “Why is it even hotter in the house than it was last year?”

  • Blocking of Ultraviolet Rays

Another benefit that comes with installing energy-efficient windows is that it protects your home from ultraviolet rays. Because these windows are multi-paned, they get in the way of a large number of UV rays entering your home.

UV rays entering the home can slowly, over time, damage what’s inside. It can fade the coverings on your furniture, rugs, and carpets, and anywhere where the cloth is exposed. But isn’t it nice to be able to roll up the blinds and let some sunlight in?

With multi-paned energy efficient windows, you don’t have to worry about this. You can let as much light in as you want to brighten up your home, without worrying about the damaging effects of UV rays.

  • It’s Better for the Environment

Energy-efficient windows are also much better for the environment. All that money you’re saving on energy bills? It’s not just saving you money. It’s saving the planet.

In fact, according to Prevent Climate Change, you can prevent around 740 kg a year of carbon dioxide emissions by installing double glazing window Bristol.

If you’re already driving to work with the AC all the way up, and working in an office with the AC blasting, then this can be a way for you to do a little good, by curbing your carbon footprint.

Additionally, you can get a tax credit for energy-efficient windows. If the windows are ENERGY STAR qualified, you can get a tax credit of 10% off the window cost, as long as it’s installed in the primary residence of the person getting them installed.

To learn more, visit the IRS Energy Incentives for Individuals Q&A page.

  • Save Money if You Sell Your Home

Did you know that your house value goes up if you sell a home that’s green? In fact, according to Architect Magazine, there’s increased marketability when you have a home that has more sustainability credentials.

In other words? If you have green aspects added to your home, such as energy-efficient windows, buyers are going to be more interested and willing to pay more when you sell your home.

It’s not just something you pay for to make your life better when you’re living at home–it’s an investment you’re making toward your future. Additionally, since you live in a warmer climate, it’ll be even more worth it to potential homebuyers.

  • Reduced Noise from the Outside

Another benefit of energy-efficient windows is that they reduce the amount of noise that you hear from the street. Especially in a time when many of us are working from home, this is a great reason to invest in this renovation.

Windows & doors can let in quite a lot of noise from the outside, especially if you live in a house that’s drafty or built from thinner materials. Additionally, if you live in a busy city, chances are you live quite close to your neighbors.

Even if you live in the suburbs, this is a good idea. Many people are moving to the suburbs or towns now because they want more space after experiencing the COVID-19 Pandemic. That means busier streets, with more car traffic.

Block out all that noise with double-paned windows, which make it harder for the soundwaves to get through.

  • You’ll Get Less Condensation

In warmer climates such as the one you live in, condensation is often an issue. Higher temperatures, combined with humidity, can mean condensation build-up.

If you have ordinary windows or live in a home that’s a bit older, then this heightens the risk that you’ll have a lot of condensation.

Condensation within a house makes it more likely that mold will grow. Not only is mold ugly, but it can destroy the surfaces of your home and even some of your furniture. If it’s a dangerous kind of mold, it can also be unhealthy for you and your loved ones.

Additionally, if you or your loved ones suffer from a condition such as asthma, both condensation and mold can have a negative effect on the air that is experienced by them.

Energy-efficient windows get in the way of condensation much better than ordinary ones. They’re a good solution if you’re worried about this happening.

  • They’ll Look Beautiful

Finally, energy-efficient windows are beautiful. Because they’re a modern invention, they’ll look sleek and minimalist in your home. Additionally, they’re available in a variety of colors and materials.

Why not go green, save money, and give your house a bit of a makeover?

Thinking of Getting Energy Efficient Replacement Windows?

As you can see, energy efficient replacement windows have many benefits. From avoiding condensation and high energy bills to saving money if you sell your home, it’s an investment worth making because you’ll save money, be healthier, and be happier.

Do you know about any of the best replacement window companies in San Antonio? Leave a comment if you do.

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