Whether you’re a pro or just barely starting, every baseball player has a list of essentials that they need every time before the start of their season. You’ll want to start with the basics — a baseball bat, a baseball glove, and baseballs.
We’re not going to be adding those to this list of essentials since those are given. We’re going to go over the not-so-obvious items that you may or may not have heard about before. Use this list as a checklist to help you get started on the right foot this year.
Bat tape
Anytime you touch a bat you’ll want to make sure you have a good tape wrapped around the handle. The reason it’s on every player’s essentials list is that the tape can absorb any unwanted vibrations, improving your grip. For example, baseball bat grip tape from Lizard Skins is made of Durasoft Polymer which gives your hands better traction while you swing so that you can make better contact with the ball.
In case you’re wondering, the tape can be reapplied and won’t make your bat sticky if you apply the right one. It will not make your bat heavy no matter how many times you wrap around the handle since tape made specifically for bats is lightweight.
Batting gloves
When using bat tape you may feel as though you don’t need a pair of batting gloves. However, if you’re playing in cold weather you’re going to wish you had a pair to keep your hands from getting chapped.
Because you won’t need them each time you play, a budget-friendly pair will do. That way you’re not spending a pretty penny on gloves that you’ll only use on a rainy day (literally).
Heavy-duty laundry detergent
Keeping your baseball uniform squeaky clean is going to be a challenge between grass and mud stains which is why we’re adding detergent to our essentials for the season.
If you’re uniform is all white, you’ll be lucky enough to use bleach. For all other colors, you’ll want a heavy-duty detergent such as Sweat X Sports Extreme that can fight stains and odor. For really stubborn stains, add a spot remover that you can soak the uniform in before throwing it in the wash.
Protective gear
If you’re playing an infield position then you’ll want to invest in a mouthguard. But even if you’re not an infielder, using a mouthguard is a way to stay protected at all times.
Other protective gear that you’ll want to look into are shin guards, elbow protectors, sleeves, wrist wraps and protective cups. Don’t wait for an accident to happen before investing in some protective gear.
Equipment bag
The team will provide most of the gear but you’ll still need a bag to bring your personal items. Items that you should pack in your bag are snacks, a water bottle, shoes to change out of cleats, a towel for hotter days when perspiration seems to be a bit much, sunscreen, and sunglasses.
For the basic items such as cleats and gloves, you can ask your coach or other players for their recommendations if you don’t already have some in mind. Now that you have the baseball player starter kit, it’s time to start practicing. Have a great season!